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Ava's POV

"Back up, YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH HIM?" Sapnap said in the vc. 

"Yes Nick, I've said it five times already!" 

"So we're you just never gonna tell me George was Riley's brother? And that you secretly had a crush on him this ENTIRE time?" 

"One, you don't even know Riley so why would I tell you who her brother is? And two, I didn't like him this ENTIRE time, just in High School." 

"One, I know I don't know Riley but I know George! You could have told me you guys knew each other. And two, so what you guys just rekindled your feelings for each other?"

"Pretty much yeah." 

"This sounds like some fanfiction crap, and you're the Y/N." 


"OKAY I'M SORRY CHILL OUT! I like the outfit you're wearing now."

"Are you sure? It doesn't make me look weird or anything?"


"I AM A GIRL! You know what, I'll figure it out all on my own bye."


I left the vc and turned my pc off, looking back at my outfit in the mirror. 

It looks good, why am I so worried?

It's just George. 

I look a deep breathe and looked at my phone, George said he was almost here so I put my shoes on quickly before getting my bag and running down the stairs. 

I made sure Ally had food and water before leaving and opened my front door, "Bye Ally, be good!" I said before walking out and locking my door. 

Right on time, George's car pulled up and he got out. He ran up to me and looked at my outfit, "You look amazing Ava."

My face grew red, "Thanks Gogy, now can you please tell me where we're going?!" 

"No way! Like I said, i have everything under control. Just trust me." George said grabbing onto my hand and leading me to his car. 

Some time had passed by, me and George we're just talking about all sorts of stuff. Like how streams have been, and what some of our favorite stuff was, but most of the time I was trying to get him to tell me where we we're headed.

"Alright, we're here." 

I looked around at where we we're, the building was big and modern. There we're a bunch of cars in the parking lot and I saw lots of older adults in formal wear walking in. I read the sign in the front, I looked over at George. 

"You took me to an art museum?!" 

"Yeah! I remember how in high school you talked about art all the time to Riley, and you we're president of the art club so I figured I'd take you here." 

I smiled, "George this is so sweet, thank you." 

"Don't thank me yet. Come on pretty lady, art awaits." George said parking his car and getting out, opening the door and helping me out before locking his car. 


We walked around for about an hour and decided to sit down at a table in the corner. We got a lot of stares from everyone. They we're all older than us and wearing formal wear and well, we we're practically still kids and looked like we we're going to a skate park. 

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