twenty eight

898 22 3

"Okay you guys ready?" Dream said. 

"Can we go over the plan again? I'm sorta confused." 

Nick sighed, "Okay so, Dream is gonna stay behind the camera and monitor everything since he can't be in the frame. And we're just gonna, bake."

"Okay, should we all come in one at a time?" George asked.

"Well everybody already knows I'm here so how about me and Nick stay in frame and then you guys sorta just come in?" Karl suggested.

"I like that idea." I said, "Yeah me too." 

"Then it's settled. Okay guys, let's go! We're already behind schedule." 

Me and George stood off to the side as Dream clicked the go live button. We we're streaming on Sapnap's channel and we we're just waiting for more people to join. 

Once there we're a lot of people, Dream took the starting soon screen off and gave a signal to Nick and Karl.

"Hey guys! What's up, how is everyone today?" Nick said reading chat.

Karl waved and started rambling about what Nick and him had did today, leaving us out of it so that nobody would know we we're here.

"Somebody said is that Dream in the back? Yes it is, he can't be in frame for obvious reasons so he's gonna be behind the camera today." Nick smiled. 

"Alright so today me and Karl are baking some stuff for a Halloween party we're throwing tomorrow, it's gonna be epic." Nick exclaimed. 

"Yeah we're gonna have a blast." Karl added.

a/n: just fyi, covid does not exist in this story bc everyone hates covid. 

Dream looked over at us giving us the signal that we could come in now but I didn't just wanna walk in, I wanted to make an entrance.

Then, an idea popped in my head.

I got my phone out and called Nick, he pulled his phone out and looked at it confused before answering, "Hey Ava, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much just watching two idiots try and figure out what to set the oven to." I said walking in, chat was already going crazy.

I hung up the phone and waved at the monitor, "Hey chat! I'm in America!" 

I got up closely to the camera, "It sucks. Come save me chat." 

The boys began laughing and soon enough George walked in, he didn't want to make a grand entrance or anything like that. 



The stream went smoothly. We got all of the food prepared and we're finally raiding out, we we're all exhausted. 

"Alright chat, thanks for sticking with us this stream! We hope everyone had a good time!" Nick said.

"Tomorrow we won't be streaming since it is Halloween but we have lots of fun streams planned for you all so get excited! It's gonna be a fun week, anyways bye chat!" 

"Bye chat!" We all said before the stream finally ended.

"Great job everyone!" Karl said.

"Yeah! It was really fun!" I said.

"Sorry you couldn't be in it Dream." George said.

"Don't worry about it, I still had tons of fun even though I wasn't baking with you guys. Besides, tomorrow is gonna be awesome!" 

"YEAH IT IS! WOOO!" Sapnap said.

We all laughed for a solid three minutes before finally controlling ourselves, "I'm going to take a shower guys. I am so tired, I'll see you guys later." I said.

The boys all nodded and I began walking towards my room so that I could get some clothes. 


George's POV

"So, you gonna tell us what happened last night or what?" Nick said.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Come on George, I saw Ava walk into your room last night." Nick smirked.

"And I saw her leave your room this morning." Dream said.

I scoffed, "Guys, it isn't what you're thinking."

"Then what was it George?"

"Come on man, you gotta tell us something." Karl added.

"She accidentally walked into my room last night and, I didn't want her to leave so we watched a movie and she fell asleep."

"That's it?" 

"Yeah, that's it."

"You guys didn't like, kiss or something?" 

"Well we cuddled? Does that count?"

"At least it's something." Nick said.

"What does that mean?"

"George, you like her right?" 

"Of course I do."

"And she obviously likes you back. You guys have been hanging out for the past month, and you guys already went on a date so, what else are you waiting for?" Nick said.

"I don't understand what you're-"

"He means when are you gonna ask her out George." Dream said.

My eyes widened, "Ask her out like, ask her to be my girlfriend?"

"YES NIMROD!" Karl exclaimed.

"Well I mean, do you think she's ready?" 

"George I know she is. But, are you ready?"

I gulped, I didn't know if I was ready.

This girl means the world to me, I care about her so much.

And I don't wanna loose her, I did once and I never want that to happen again.

But it could, and that's what terrifies me.

"I- I don't know." 

Nick sighed, "Well you better think about it dude." Nick said before walking upstairs. 

Dream patted me on the back before following behind Nick.

Karl walked up to me, "I'll stay down here with you bud, don't let them get to you. Take your time." 

I nodded, "Thanks Karl." 

He nodded, "Now come on, let's go watch something." 

863 words.

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