twenty six

859 19 2

It was officially Saturday, the day before our flight and I was over at George's helping him pack his luggage.

"I like this shirt, how come you've never worn it before."

George shrugged, "I don't know."

I chuckled, "Well you'd look great in it."

"You think so?"

"Yeah! Blue is your color."

"You're just saying that because it's the only color I can actually see."

I started bursting out laughing, "WHAT? NO!" 

"God Ava so mean." 

I hugged George from behind, "I never said that! It really is your color!" I laid my head on his back.

He turned around and looked down at me, oh god.

Are we about to kiss? 

Is this really happening right now?

Oh god

"You look pretty right now." He brushed some hair out of my face.

I smiled, "Thanks George." 

He held one side of my face, just staring at me. 

Then we heard his bedroom door open. 

We pulled away from each other and turned to see George's mom, "Oh, I'm sorry guys! Was I interrupting something?"

"Oh no Ms Davidson, I was just helping George pack for our trip."

"Oh you guys are going on a trip together? Alone?"

"We're going to see our friends Mom." George rolled his eyes.

"Oh well uh, I came in here to ask George to take out the trash for me."

"Sure Mom," George turned to me and whispered in my ear, "I'll be right back."

I nodded, George walked out and his Mom came and stood by me folding some of George's clothes.

"You know, I always knew you'd two end up together."

"Oh no me and George- wait, what do you mean?"

"He used to always tell me how pretty he thought you were when you two we're kids. And you guys would always play with each other and, oh dear he liked you a lot." 

I smiled. She continued, "Then Riley left, and when she came back I could just see the chemistry you and George had. And if I'm being honest, I never liked that Sam girl." 

I chuckled, "Well, me and George aren't exactly dating Ms." 

"Not yet." She winked. 

I chuckled, "Yet." 

"Okay Mom, trash is taken out." George said once he walked in. 

Ms Davidson nodded before turning to me and giving me a small hug, "Have a safe trip kids, and call me once you land George." 

"I will Mom." George said hugging her. 

Once she closed the door, me and George continued to gather his things.

I couldn't believe she always knew, it was sort of funny. 

Not yet, those words kept replaying in my head.

Not yet.

420 words

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