3. "She's coming with me"

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"Hey love, you have to get up" I just shook my head vigorously. "Otherwise you won't get anything from breakfast, the boys have already eaten almost everything" I just mumbled something into the hammock. Suddenly, two strong hands grabbed my hips and lifted me out of my hammock. "Then I'll just carry you over there" Instead of complaining that Newt was carrying me across half the glade in bridal style, I snuggled closer to him.
It's nice and warm.
After about 5 minutes, he stopped. "Should I still carry you to the table or can you walk?" "I can walk... I'm not a baby anymore" "Sure love? I just carried you across half the glade" "I'm still tired, ok?" Without waiting for an answer, I went in, got what was left of breakfast, and then joined Newt and yesterday's boy. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Minho. After a few minutes another boy came to us.
Of course it's a boy Y/N! You're the only girl here!
"Hey, I'm Alby the leader here" I just smiled at him slightly.
Wait a second! That's the one who said yesterday that the others could stare at me later!
"You will try all the jobs first. There are the Runners, Sloppers, Bricknicks, Builders, Slicer, Blood Housers, Bagger, Med-jacks, Gardeners and Cook. What do you want to start with?" I looked at Newt because I still didn't want to talk to the others. "She starts with me in the garden first" "Why? She can also go into the maze with me, she is definitely fast" "No, she goes with me...you would only talk to yourself" "Oh, and she is going to talk to you or what? " "Guys, stop it! First, she's going to the garden with Newt today, besides, you have Ben, Minho" "Yes, that's fine, but she'll go into the maze with me someday" "Yeah, someday I also decide whether she goes with you or not... and Newt also has something to say" "Why? Just because he's the 2nd leader?" "Yes, that's exactly why" With these words, Alby went back to his table. "When you've finished breakfast we'll go into the garden" I nodded and continued to eat my breakfast. "I'll go to the gate and wait for Ben... see you later" "See you later Minho" I just waved to him.

We are now on the way to the garden. "Can I ask you something, love?" "Sure" "Why don't you talk to the others? You talk to me too, not a lot, but you talk. You have such a beautiful voice, why don't you use it?" "I... I don't trust the others... but I trust you" "Why don't you trust the others?" "I don't know exactly why either" "That's not important for now, love... I'm glad you trust me, otherwise I couldn't hear your beautiful voice" I smiled at him. "I'm sorry that you had to carry me around earlier" "I didn't have to... I could have just left you...then you wouldn't have gotten anything from breakfast" "Thanks Newt" "No problem love, if you want me to carry you somewhere, just call me" I blushed slightly. "Come on, we have a lot to do"
Let's leave it.

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