8. Truth or Dare

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Newt hasn't spoken to me for 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks, I made friends with Minho more. He's my best friend now. I've forgiven Gally somehow, but I still don't like him. When the others had made a bonfire, I would sit by the lake and cry, almost every day. But I also always felt that Newt was there. Probably always behind a tree. (imagine that he always sat on the other side of the tree where Y/N was sitting)
I miss talking to him, his smile, his eyes... I miss him.
"Y/N? Are you coming to the bonfire today?" "Do I have to Minho?" "If you ask me like that, then yes"
Why did I ask?!
"You know that I prefer-" "Go to the lake and cry? Your eyes need a break" "Ok... but only today!" "Great! I'll go ahead, see you soon" "See you soon Minho"
Now I really have to sit down with the others. Just hope that they don't want to play truth or dare.
So I didn't make my way to the lake, but to the bonfire. At the bonfire, I sat down at a tree trunk that no one was sitting on. I just wanted my peace and quiet. But then someone sat down next to me.
"Hey Y/N... oh hey Newt" "Hey Minho" Newt ignored him. "Should I leave you alone?" "Yes... would be... better" "See you later Y/N" With these words Minho went back to Alby, Ben and the others. Then I took a closer look at Newt. He looked really done. Dark circles adorned his face and red eyes. "Do you want to talk?" He just shook his head.
Great. I don't want this Newt. I want the old one back.
I moved closer to him and to my surprise he didn't move away. "May I?" I pointed to his hand. This time he nodded. Slowly, because I was still unsure, I took his hand and crossed our fingers. Then I put my head on his shoulder. I just needed him to be close after I had to go through the first 3 weeks "alone". At the beginning there was still a lot of whispering, but after a while that subsided. Then I became more friends with Minho and from then on he was always there for me.
"Do you play along?" "Let me guess... Truth or Dare?" "Right" "I play along... do you also play along Newt?" "Not today" "Ok"
That's a start, I mean 2 words are good after 3 weeks, right?
"Good, Truth or Dare Gally" "Truth" "Are you in love?" Now I was curious. I could never imagine Gally with a girlfriend. "Yes..." "And in whom?" "That wasn't the question, Minho!" "It's good" "Truth or Dare... Y/N"
With Gally, I certainly don't take any dare. "Truth" "Which of us do you find most attractive?" "Certainly not you, but I know... that wasn't the question... um I think... Minho"
I can't say in front of everyone that I find Newt attractive, if so I'll tell him when we're alone.
After a few rounds it was my turn again. This time Minho asked the question. "Truth or Dare, Y/N?" "Ehm... dare" "Jump into the lake and come back with your wet clothes" "Are you serious?!" "Yeah" "I hate you" "Yeah yeah, go now" So I went to the lake and jumped in. But when I got out of the lake, something occurred to me. I looked down at myself.

𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - Newt FF (English)Where stories live. Discover now