18. "Did you think ...?"

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"It's fine, I'll never call you that again" "I don't think that's what it's about Minho" I ate my breakfast in silence. Newt was right, that wasn't my point. Meanwhile, I didn't care what Minho calls us. I was still mad at him about yesterday. Because of him, I had to explain to Newt why I wanted to kill myself.

"All good Y/N?... Y/N?" "Man... yes it's all good Minho" "Sure love?" "Please don't start too" "We're just worried..." "I appreciate that too, but... please leave me alone for a moment" Shortly afterwards I got up and wanted to leave, but Newt stopped my wrist tight. "I'm just getting some fresh air." He looked at me in disbelief. "I'm not going to kill myself" When I said that, he looked at the floor. He really thought I was going to kill myself. "Did you think...?" "No, I... just don't want to lose you" Minho just watched us the whole time. "I'll get some air then... I'll be back, I promise" Newt let go of my wrist and I walked out the door.

As always, I sat by the lake, by our tree. I was just reminiscing. This is where we kissed for the first time and this is where we got together.

"Hey... look at me... I didn't mean to break your heart... you have to believe me" "I believe you..." "But?" "It... hurt" "Does it still hurt?" "A little" "I have an idea that will definitely help" "Which one?" "This one" With that I kissed him, and he replied after his shock. "It's a shame that I wasn't your first kiss" "Well... let's say you're my first kiss with feelings" He smiled at me and kissed me again. "I missed you, Newt" "I missed you too, love" Another kiss followed. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" "Yes Newt, I want" "I love you, love" "I love you too Newt"
Flashback end

That was the best day of my life, if you forget that I had to jump into the lake and make out with Gally. I heard a branch crack, so I looked around. I saw the culprit behind a tree. "What do you want here?" "May I... keep you company?" "Why don't you just go to the others... then you can... do boyish stuff" "Y/N can't we talk to each other normally?" "What do you want to talk about?" "Well... I thought you want to talk about why you wanted to kill yourself... after all, that's not easy to digest, is it?" "And you think that when I talk to you about it, I feel better?" "It's worth a try, isn't it?" "Ok, if you promise to never say a word about it again... not everyone should know right away" "Ok, I promise you... one more thing..." "What?" "Will you come to the bonfire later after we've talked?" "If it has to be absolutely... yes I'll come later with" "Great... then... start talking"

Who do you think Y/N is talking to? Write your ideas in the comments. Your MazerunnerMarvel_Fan💖

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