34. "I will always be happy for you"

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We've been sitting here together by the tree for a while. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "Does Newt know... about Sonya?" "No... I haven't told him yet... but I don't know if I want to tell him either" "Why not?" "She could be dead Thomas... or a crank" "If WCKD has put her in the labyrinth, maybe she is still alive" "And if she is dead in the end? I can and will not do that to him" "Just think about it, ok?" "Yeah ok... I'm thinking about it" "Come on, let's go to the others" Together we went to the others. "Thomas, I have to go to Alby for a moment." "Ok, see you soon" I found Alby at Newt's in the garden. "Hey you two" "Hey love" "Hey Y/N" "Can we talk for a minute Alby?" "Sure" We went a little further away from Newt, so he wouldn't hear us. "When did you want to make the announcement?" "Tonight at the bonfire" "Okay, because I still have to talk to Newt" "Then do it now, you are already the leader in that way" I nodded and went to Newt. "Come on, let's go to our tree" "But Alby-" "Everything is sorted out with Alby" Hand in hand we went back to our tree. "And what are we going to do now?" "I have to tell you something" "Ok" "I talked to Alby this morning and... please don't be angry or anything... I'm... the new leader" "What?" "Newt I-" "That's fantastic, why should I be mad?" "Actually you are Alby's successor, so I thought you might be angry..." "I think it's great that my girlfriend is the leader" Newt took my hand and put the other on my cheek. "I will always be happy for you" We looked deeply into each other's eyes and I smiled. "How did I deserve you?" Then I kissed him. "I love you" "I love you too" "What do we do now?" "I don't know... are we going to swim?" "But Newt I... I can't swim" "Don't worry, I'll hold you tight, not that you will drown me" He got up and took off his clothes until he only had his boxer shorts on. I studied his well-built body. "Love?" "Mmm?" "Are you coming?" "Um... yes of course" Now I got up and slowly stripped my clothes from my body. I felt Newt's eyes on me. He followed my every move. When I was only wearing underwear, I approached Newt. We looked each other in the eye. His hands went from my waist to my hips and then to my bum. I slowly put my arms around his neck. "Jump" I did what he said and jumped. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly walked into the lake. As soon as we were in the water, I felt the panic rise in me. Apparently Newt noticed that too. "Hey... very calm love... I'm here, nothing will happen to us" I just nodded silently. Then Newt started kissing my neck. "Newt..." But he didn't listen, he concentrated fully on my body. "Newt... we... we have to..." I got no further because he began to suck on my sensitive area. I couldn't interrupt him, but Gally could. "Are you coming? Alby wants to announce something" Newt looked annoyed at Gally. To calm him down, I whispered in his ear. "Take it easy Newt... we can continue later" Then I turned to Gally. "We're coming, you can go ahead" I still haven't forgiven him, but if Newt had answered him, he would probably have freaked out.

𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - Newt FF (English)Where stories live. Discover now