24. "Are you crazy?!"

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It was maybe 2 centimeters that separated our lips from each other when suddenly the door was thrown open. "Y/N!"

I recoiled and looked at the door. Minho and Thomas stood in the doorway. "What are you doing there?!" "What about Newt?!" "Calm down... I can still decide for myself what I do and what not" "Aha... what's the matter with you lately?!" "Do you have your period or what ?!" "Tell me you're both crazy now or what?!" Gally just watched the whole thing. "You haven't been like we know you lately!" "Then you don't know me! I thought that Thomas in particular knew me!" "I do know you but not like that!" "Then you don't even know me! What are you doing here anyway?!" "Newt... he..." "He wants to go to the maze Y/N, tomorrow" "W-What?" Newt wanted to go into the maze and for a reason. "D-Do you know why?" "No... but he made it sound like we would never see each other again"

Crap! What do I do now?!

"Where is he right now?" "Probably in his hut" I gave Gally a quick kiss and then headed for the door. "You just wanted one anyway" giggling, I walked out of the hut to Newt's. I stopped in front of the door. I hesitated for a moment because we had argued earlier, but then I knocked. I wanted to run away, but Newt was just opening the door. "Oh... hey Y/N" "Hey... can we... talk?" "Mhm" "Can I come in? I don't want everyone to notice" "Oh yes, that's right, Gally mustn't see that" "Newt..." "No... okay... if you were not the only girl here... I had grabbed someone new too" I was speechless. "Do you want to talk now or...?" "How can you say that... I'm not with Gally... I love you... besides, I would never do that to you" Now Newt said nothing. "Can I come in now, please?" He let me in, and I sat on his bed. "So? What do you want to talk about?" Newt stood in front of me and looked down at me. "Why... do you want to go into the maze tomorrow?" He looked at me in shock. "How do you know?" "The boys told me" "You can't tell them anything either" "Did... you want... that I... don't know?" He looked around his hut. "You wanted it... you wanted me not to know!" "Calm down" "No! Why?!... why do you want to go into the maze?!" "I..." "Please tell me... that it is not for the reason, and you do not want to do what I think" "Y/N I..." "Why? What do you mean, how shitty I would feel...? I... I don't want to lose you" As I spoke I started to cry. "Losing you would be the worst that could happen... I wouldn't be happy anymore... I... I would sit by our tree all day and cry... maybe think about killing myself... please don't do it" "But... why shouldn't I do it? What's keeping me here?" "I thought... I'll keep you here... that you want to stay here because of me... who did you stay here for?" "Of course you kept me here, but it's not like that anymore" "Please Newt please... stay here"

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