40. "... I was probably wrong"

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I couldn't go on anymore and collapsed. He killed himself and nobody knows why. "Hey... it's going to be alright" "No! Nothing will be alright! Gally just killed himself! And you pretend nothing happened!" "Come on, you haven't liked him lately anyway" "Are you crazy?! It may be that I've been mad at him lately, but that doesn't mean I don't care that he's dead now! " Newt came to us. "Love..." "No! Just leave me alone!" I tore myself away from the boys and ran away. *Newt POV*

"Do you think she'll calm down?" "She has to, she can't mourn him for the rest of her life" "You're right Newt ... but if she finds out-" "She won't find out, ok? She won't... find out" 


What? What am I not supposed to find out? I just ran behind a tree to just get away from them, and then? Then I find out that they are hiding something. I took all courage and took another deep breath. After I pulled myself together somewhat, I went up to her. "Um... guys? Y/N is here" Thomas and Newt turned to me in shock. "What did Thomas mean? What shouldn't I find out?" The boys looked at each other. "Hello? I would like an answer" I still got no answer. "Well, as you like ... I want an answer right now, or you all come to the building" "You can't do that love" "I can, I'm the leader now... well, I want an answer guys "I'm sorry love" All three walked past me to the pit. After I got to the pit too, they went in by themselves and just waited for me to lock the gate. "Are you serious?" They didn't say anything. "It has something to do with Gally, doesn't it?" They looked depressed everywhere except my face. "I thought I could trust you... especially you Newt... but I was probably wrong" I turned around and walked slowly away. Newt rushed to the gate that I had already locked. "Y/N! Please wait!" I slowly turned back to him. "Why? You already call me by my name, I don't have to listen to you either" "Love please!" "No Newt! YOU screwed it up! I can't trust you anymore when you have secrets about a dead person!" The first tears ran down my face. "Y/N... I'm sorry... really" I went back to the burrow. "If you only knew what I'm sorry about" Thomas and Minho stayed completely out of the way, for which I was grateful for once. "What do you mean? You haven't done anything" "Oh yes, Newt, I've done a lot... too much" There was brief silence until I began to speak again. "I'll go then, you won't tell me anyway" "Wait Y/N" "What Newt?" "A-Are we still together?" "I... I don't know Newt" Then with tears in my eyes I went into ours, no, into my hut and threw myself on the bed. Why is everything changing so quickly lately?

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