22. "Why was he like this?"

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My eyes filled with tears, and slowly I squeezed my way through the other guys who had formed a circle around the action. Everyone looked at me in shock because I was doing things I would never do otherwise.

First I went up to Newt, whose pulse was probably still at 180. I looked him in the eye and gave Minho and Thomas a sign to let go of him. At first they weren't sure, but then they let go of him. Newt was about to say something, but his head flew to the side. His hand slowly went to the cheek I'd slapped. Yeah, I hit him. "I hate you Newt!" "B-But... why I..." I ignored him and turned to Gally, who was lying almost unconscious on the floor. There was blood everywhere, on his face, on his upper body, on Newt's hands... just everywhere. "Hey... Y-Y/N..." "Shhh... it's all good" "You... you're crying" "Yes... come on, I'll take you to Med-jacks hut" With Gallys Arm over my shoulder, we walked slowly, as fast as Gally could, to the Med-jacks hut.

*Newt POV*

"I hate you Newt!" "B-But... why I..." But she ignored me and turned to Gally. I lost her... probably forever. After Y/N had made their way to the Med-jacks hut with Gally, Minho and Thomas came to me. "What was the matter with you? I don't know you like that, and I've known you for 3 years" I ignored Minho's comment. "Thomas, can I ask you something?" "Sure" "Have you seen her like this before?" "Yes... once" "Really?" "Yeah, back then, before she got together with me, she was with... with Gally... they had a really tough fight and Gally tried to get her back for a year or two, even after she was with me... no matter what he did, nothing worked" "Uhm Thomas, I don't think Newt is that relieved now" "Oh sorry Newt... you guys will definitely get back together, she loves you" "She hates me... even the Griewers probably noticed that"


In the Med-jacks hut I first laid Gally on the couch and looked at his wounds. "I'm sorry Gally... I should have stopped him... but he was on 180 and stormed straight to you, I was late" "It's not your fault... but... why was he on 180? " "He... he thought that you... raped me..." "How... how did he get that?" "He noticed this morning after we came out of the forest separately that my lips were swollen... he asked me what we were doing in the forest, I didn't want to lie to him, but he shouldn't know the truth either... so I didn't say anything, then he asked me if I wanted that and since I still hadn't said anything, he freaked out and then rushed to you"

"What about Gally this morning" "What?" "You already understood me... what were you two doing in the forest?" "We talked" "Sure? Just talked?" "Yes why-" "Your lips... they were swollen this morning"

"Do you regret it?" "What?" "Everything... that we kissed this morning, the one with Newt, I've never seen you so mad... you weren't that mad when you told me you hated me"


With that, Alby disappeared and Gally came up to us. He tried desperately to free me from Newt's hand. "I hate you Gally" "Oh look at you... the princess is talking to me"

Flashback end

𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - Newt FF (English)Where stories live. Discover now