38. "You are the leader..."

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"Do you think it's weird with me too?" "No... it's okay with you" "Okay?" "Yes... okay" "Wow... then I can go if it's okay" He was about to get up, but I pulled him back onto the bed, or rather on myself. "You are the only one who is only allowed to want that, ok? You are the only one who is allowed to think about it, who is allowed to imagine it exactly... and the only one who is allowed to do it"

"You could have said that right away" He kissed me long and hard. "I thought you knew that" "I don't want to say anything wrong now" "Then just don't say anything" Then I kissed him, he replied immediately and stormily, as if he was about to eat me up. I felt his cold hands wandering under the sweater and because they were so cold, I winced briefly. "Is everything ok?" "Yes... you just have cold hands" "Ok... I'm sorry" "It's okay, mine are not warmer either" "Right... you are also a little frostbite" At this comment I just rolled my eyes. "But do you know what's the best?" "What?" "You're my little frostbite" Suddenly I wasn't cold anymore, but really hot. "Your frostbite is super hot right now..." "Then the frostbite has to take off her clothes so that she is no longer hot" As slowly as it was possible and yet at the same time as quickly as possible, he took off my sweater. We both sat up and looked each other in the eye. I put my hands on his shoulders and sit on top of him. Newt placed his hands on my hip. "Wow... my little frostbite is hot" "Then I can't actually be a frostbite" "You're right, my love is hot and smart" "You are such a slimy" "I mean all of this very seriously, love" "I know" "Well... then I can do that" Newt began to cover my neck with kisses. He stayed in my sensitive area and began to suck. I ran my fingers through his hair as I sighed with relish. At some point I also began to let my hips circle, which Newt obviously liked because he set the pace with his hands on my hips. "Newt..." "Yes?" I stopped circling my hips and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you" "I love you too, love" I gently pushed him back into bed and lay down on him. "Are you tired love?" "A little" "Then sleep well... tomorrow is your first day as a leader" "You're right... Good night" "Good night love"

The rays of the sun shining through the window of the hut gently woke me up. Like yesterday evening, I'm still lying on Newt, who is still sleeping calmly. Careful, not to wake him, I crawled out of bed. I dressed comfortably and combed my hair. When I wanted to go to the door I heard a voice. "Good morning love" "Good morning Newt" "Are you coming again?" "I can't, I have to work" "Will I at least get a kiss?" "Of course" So I went to the bed to kiss Newt. When I kissed him, he pulled me back onto the bed and kept kissing me. "Newt... I can't" "Please... you are the leader... take advantage of that" After he said that, I broke away from him. "What's the matter, love?" "Why do you say that?" "What?" "That I should take advantage of it"

𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - Newt FF (English)Where stories live. Discover now