48. "...we have to get out of here"

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"No no no!" "Love? Hey, wake up... Y/N... hey" I startled. My whole face was wet from crying. "Love, did you have a bad dream?" I looked him in the eye. I hugged him immediately. "You're fine Newt" "Um... yes I'm fine, but are you fine too?" "I... just had one... very realistic nightmare" "Do you want to talk about it?" "No... not yet... can you... just cuddle with me?" "Of course" So we sat in bed together, I snuggled up against Newt to forget that shitty nightmare. "I'm here for you, ok?" I nodded and looked into his eyes. "Promise me you'll never leave me, Newt." He looked at me in shock. "Why should I ever do this?" "Please just don't do it" "I won't love, I love you" "I love you too"

When I woke up, I was still in Newt's arms. I still hadn't forgotten the nightmare. Again and again these images shot through my head. How Newt lies motionless on the floor, and we can no longer do anything. "Good morning love" "Morning Newt" "Are you feeling better?" "A little... I still have to think about that nightmare all the time" "Now maybe you want to tell me what you had a dream?" "It was just terrible... there were people from WCKD everywhere, corpses were lying there... and you were in a building... you had the flare, and you were lying weakly on the floor... a girl gave you that injected antidote but... it didn't help... you said that I should be happy even..." There was brief silence. "Even?" "Even if you are no longer with us" "Us? Did I mean the boys?" "No... you meant... our baby Newt" Newt got up and walked up and down the hut. "Our baby? How can that be, I mean we have slept together many times but..." "Newt..." "If you're really pregnant, we have to get out of here" "But what if my dream wasn't just a dream? What if it comes true? I can't lose you, especially if we have a child together" "You won't lose me love, I promise you... but we have to get out of here" "I know... do you think the others want that too? The glade has been their home for 3 years and the likelihood that they will die out there is- "" Nobody will die here, ok?" "Why are you so sure about that?" Slowly he came back to the bed. Then he sat down and took my hand. "I'm so sure because we have the best leader in the world" I got tears in my eyes.Am I on my period, or why am I so emotional?"Do you really think so?" "Of course, I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend" I pulled Newt over and kissed him. He walked over me and continued kissing me passionately. "Newt..." "Yes ...?" "Thank you..." He broke away. "For what?" "That you are there for me, no matter what we have to go through" "That goes without saying love, I love you" "I love you too Newt"

𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - Newt FF (English)Where stories live. Discover now