a friend

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(Font in italic bold  means they are talking in Korean)

Chapter 5 

Maybe Kim Tae Hyung was overthinking, but he could feel the atmosphere being a little bit different than how it used to be. Monday morning, 

Y/n was in rush to go to her work and he tried to help her to find her things alongside her but somehow the certain muscle bunny came between them which lead to them never really interacting. Maybe that was in TaeHyung's head, yes it was definitely in his head. I mean why would Jeongguk try to come between them right? 

Jeongguk was trying to come between them. Taehyung concluded after three days. It was Thursday and he had barely any interaction with Y/n in few days, Jeongguk somehow always try to change the subject or distract Y/n whenever he tried to talk to her.  He had decided to comfort the boy, not understanding what his deal was. 

Jeongguk was in the living room playing video games, TaeHyung approached him. Jeongguk's eyes flick from tv to him and back at the screen, ignoring him. 
"Why don't you like me?" He asked. 
Still ignoring the man Jeongguk continued to play his game. "I am asking you a question!" This time he raised his voice a little.  Still got ignored. 

TaeHyung sighed. 

"Look I don't know why you don't like me, no I do know. It's because of Y/n isn't it?" He paused to see Jeongguk's reaction but the boy remained still, so he continued. "Y/n is my friend, and I don't know what you think, I think of her but I respect her. I don't mean any harm to her in any form, she was there for me when I needed a friend and I owe her that. If you think I will come between you two then you're wrong. If she wants you and you make her happy then it's not my business but no matter what I won't let anything affect our friendship. I got to meet her after five years and I won't let her go, even if it's just as friends I want to be by her side.

"You mean a lot to her so I don't want to upset you and want to be on better terms, so please do let me know how I bother you."  Taehyung finished his rambling.

Jeongguk removed his headset and looked at Taehyung. 

"Are you done talking to yourself? I can't concentrate with you standing in front." 

Taehyung looked stunned, Jeongguk didn't listen to a single word he spoke. He could feel himself getting frustrated. 

"I am going!" He said while gritting his teeth. He walked off to the bedroom. 

Jeongguk stares at the tv where his game was paused. He took a deep breath and turned off the game. 

The next day Y/n was at work, Taehyung was out for some business and Jeongguk was on his day off home alone, shirtless spending his day playing video games. 

The doorbell ring made him pause his game. 

Who could that be? He mumbled. 
He opened the door seeing a blonde Asian boy with a backpack on his back and a puppy in his arms. 

"Can I help you?" Jeongguk asked starting at the boy. 

"I…I a friend… Kim Taehyung doggie." The boy struggling to speak English. 

"You're that rich brat's friend?" Jeongguk asked in Korean, he crossed his arms around his chest. 

"Oh, you know Korean?" The boy spoke in excitement. "Thank God I was worried I won't be able to communicate, you know how difficult it was coming here in a taxi?" He pushed Jeongguk a little, entering the apartment. He looked around. "Wow not bad, Hyung was worrying for no reason, he thought Tae won't be living properly." 

Jeongguk kept staring at him, he just entered in his apartment without any invitation. 

"You can leave now." He spoke. The boy looked at him and then giggled. 

"No silly I can't leave until I meet Taehyung. By the way, where is he?"

 "He is out for business, so you should go and call him," Jeongguk said giving him a look to get out. 

"Oh no it's fine, I can wait here." The boy said with a smile. The dog in his arm barked and wiggled to get free, which he did. He ran around sniffing things. 

"Hey get him out, he is looking for a place to piss," Jeongguk said angrily, he doesn't want this apartment to smell like dog urine. 

"Don't say that about him, he is a good boy. He won't make a mess or make your home dirty." The boy argued back. 

Jeongguk groaned, walking behind the dog, the dog ran into the bedroom. When he entered the room he saw the dog laying in Taehyung's opened suitcase, even he has to admit the dog melted his heart. He left the room with the dog still laying on Taehyung's clothes. Not his clothes, not his problem. 

The boy was in the kitchen and Jeongguk sees him drinking one of his milkshakes. HIS. MILKSHAKE. 

"Who even are you?" Jeongguk asked in frustration. 

"I didn't introduce myself!" The boy kept the milkshake on the kitchen counter walking toward him. "I am Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung's childhood best friend. It's nice to meet you." He said offering his hand to him and a big smile on his face. 

"Yeah right," Jeongguk mumbled.

"Now you can go, as I said he is out for business," Jeongguk said grabbing the boy's arm pulling him. 

Jimin frowned. "But I have to stay here until Taehyung gets back." His lips form a pout. Jeongguk didn't realize it before but the boy's lips were pouty, to begin with. This boy reminds him of kids, honestly, he looks like a kid. Does his nonna get irritated to see him the way he is getting to see this boy? Pfft- Of course not, his nonna is the kindest and nicest person in the world there is no way she would feel that way about him. Right? 

Now he remembers how he has been keeping her noona busy all day so she won't talk with Taehyung internal gasp did that make her upset? Does she feel irritated now? Thinking about it now, she hasn't replied to his text nor react to the memes he had to send her as she does usually does in her break. Horror spread all over his face making his eyes wide open. Does she hate him now? 

"You okay?" Jimin asked pulling him out of his thoughts. Jimin extremely close to his face, he blinked a couple of times before coming back to his sense, he jumped back. 

"F-fuck don't come close to me." He said as he felt his heart beating fast. 

"Are you about to cry?" Jimin asked tilting his head. "If you're I can lead you my shoulder." He said, wiggling his shoulder. 

"I am not!" Jeongguk said raising his voice, his face red out of irritation. He wants to kick this kid out. 

Soon his attention was distracted from the guest to the main entrance where he heard the door opening and he saw his noona bending to look around till her eyes found him. 

"Oh hey, kookie!" She said, not in her regular cheering voice but more like a forced one. Something was up. 

"What did you do this time?" He asked. She definitely did something. He walked towards the main door where his noona was. 

"Okay don't freak out after seeing it but I am okay." She said nervously. When he got near his noona he was it, his heart dropped starting at the scene in front of him. 

"Ho-how did this happen?" He stuttered looking at his noona with big round eyes in shock.

(A/n- just wanted to say thanks for commenting on story it never fails brighten up my day <3

Don't forget to love yourself!! Okay byeee)

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