photoshoot, yeontan and pizza

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Chapter 5

After movie Y/n went back to her dorm room and packed a bag with types of clothes Tae Hyung told her to bring with for photoshoot. Tae Hyung told her that he would text her when the props would be ready.

Around 5 she got the text from Tae Hyung that the props were ready and she can come whenever she wanted. Plus gave her his address. Tae Hyung's apartment was five minutes walking from dorm which was a good thing. Y/n reached to the said address and rang the bell of Tae Hyung's door. In few seconds Tae opened the door. He was wearing the same outfits he was wearing in the morning but without the glasses.

"Hey." he smiled opening the door wide for Y/n to enter.

"Hi." Y/n smiled back entering the apartment, she looked around seeing different corners and sides having different props. Some on walls and some laying on the ground. "Wow you worked hard." she praised him sounding impressed.

"I have to do much more when I become a real photographer so this is nothing but thanks." Tea Hyung rubbed the back of his neck. 

"You could have asked me for help." Y/n said, her eyes wandering around the room analyzing every prop carefully.

"I prefer to work alone." Tae Hyung commented and same time Y/n hear a bark making her ears stand.
"Is that a bark I hear?" Y/n asked in shock and Tae Hyung thought she was scared of it.

"You don't have to worry about it. Yeontan is in a cage right now so he won't bother you," he explains it to her hoping she won't mind him having his Yeontan.

"What no! I want to meet that baby. Can you please bring him here? I would really love to meet him" Tae Hyung saw the sparkle in her eyes as she requests to meet yeontan.  He nodded and went to his room bringing a little black and tan colored dog with him to which Y/n watched it in awe.

"Oh my God he is such a cutie," she said and Tae Hyung came close towards her

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"Oh my God he is such a cutie," she said and Tae Hyung came close towards her. She rubbed back of his ears in affection. "Hi, baby. You're so cute!" she spoke in a baby voice. She looked at Tae Hyung. "Can I hold him?" he nodded handing his baby to Y/n. She holds the dog like a baby cooing the cute creature.

Tae Hyung notices how even Yeoman had grown to like on the girl. He was licking her face which he knew only that his baby does only to the people he likes. He smile when he heard Y/n's giggle.

After a few moments Yeoman was back in TaeHyung's room then he and Y/n started their photoshoot.

First, they clicked photos in the clothes which Y/n was already wearing which were a plain black top with blue jeans. Tae Hyung gave her fairy lights as a prop, he slightly wrapped on her left arm and made her lay on the floor. 

"Okay now point at the camera and look directly in the lens." Y/n did as she was told. "Part your lips a little and lift your chin a little." again she did as the photographer told her to do. "You're doing great." she hears the boy mumbling which made her laugh and Tae Hyung just kept clicking that moment too.

"I feel like I am doing a professional photo shoot." Y/n still giggled looking at Tae Hyung and saw him giving his weird smile again. Now that she was staring at him from the low angle she saw a freckle underneath his nose. Not only she notices his freckle but also noticed his dark brown eyes, little nose and thin lips eye thing on his face looked like an artwork but then again she noticed his while the face was an artwork where maker had made his face in love and affection giving him every beauty.

Finally, they were done with the photoshoot around 9 and Tae Hyung let Yeontan out of the room. He clicked more photos unknowingly to Y/n when she was playing with his baby.

By 9:30 they were eating pizza which Y/n orders as a thank you for Tae Hyung for helping her.

They were eating pizza and watching some film theories on the tv which was connected to YouTube and Y/n notice Tae Hyung was talking to his dog in Korea so of course, she didn't understand what he was telling to his dog but by his tone, she knew he was scolding him. She smacks his shoulder lightly.
"Stop scolding him."
"I am not scolding him. He keeps staring at me with his puppy eyes in the intention that I will give him a piece of pizza." Tae Hyung defends himself like a little kid.
Y/n huffed her cheeks knowing she couldn't help Yeontan here

. It wasn't healthy for a dog to feed junk food.  After a few attempts, Yeoman went back to his food where his owner had given him his food, eating it silently.
Around 10:30 they were done with eating and discussing what they think will happen in end game it was finally time for Y/n to go. She was leaving and Tae Hyung offered her to drop her off till her dormitory. She insists telling it was just five minutes' walk but Tae Hyung said it was late and she shouldn't be walking alone so Tae Hyung and Yeontan both were ready to drop Y/n. 

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