i never said i like a girl

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Chapter 13

Tae Hyung and Y/n were in the cafe the one where they went for the first time together. Tae Hyung ordered himself hot chocolate and some cupcakes and Y/n order her favorite drink and snack. Tae Hyung noticed how Y/n was much comfortable around him now than she was before. She wasn't staring at her cup or avoiding his gaze but comfortably eating and looking at him while they talk.

"Here are your photos." Tae Hyung showed his phone to show Y/n where he had kept the edited photos. Surprisingly for Y/n photos turn out better than she expected.

"Wow, this is me? Damn Tae you are freaking talented." she praises the boy for his work.

"Good that you liked it," he said sipping his drink.

"Oh, by the way, I was thinking I would get Yeontan some clothes. I was looking around this website last night out of boredom and saw these cute outfits for pets. I got so excited and ordered outfits for him." Y/n said while Tae Hyung listens to him while munching his cupcake.

"I don't usually make him wear clothes but I think I love when he gets dressed up," he said. "What kind of outfits did you get?"

"Oh, it's a surprise."

"I am concerned now."
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully mumbling 'shut up'.

"By the way, you said you like a girl?" Y/n changed the topic.

"I never said I like a girl I said I have eyes on someone." he pointed out.

"Oh." that's when Y/n realized she never thought this way.

"I am sorry, I assumed about you-"

Tae Hyung chuckled. "It's okay I am not going to kill you for that."

"I feel bad though. I judged you-"

"Y/n shut up."

Y/n sealed her lips not wanting to talk anymore.

"You think too much," he said sipping his drink. "I like this person but I don't think I will get a chance to be with them."

Y/n stare into Tae Hyung's eyes trying to get any emotions but got none, he had a stoned face.

"Are your parents homophobic?" she asked in a low whisper.

"It's not about being homophobic, but I know my mom isn't and nor is my sister. My father is a businessman and in Korea were expected to marry the person with whom our business could grow."

Y/n looked at him in surprise. "Like in k-drama? I saw this drama, I think its name was Hires or something and it showed the same thing you're telling me right now."

"Well, not that dramatic but yeah kinda like that." Tae nodded.

"They had already chosen the person for you?"

"My father said he did. So I don't want to give myself or that person any hope." he still had a stone face but by the tone of his voice, Y/n knew he was fighting his tears. She stood up and got near to him, pulling him in her arms. Tae Hyung immediately reacted resting his head on her chest and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. Y/n placed her on hand on his head and another on his back rubbing them.

"Did you tell that person you liked them?"

"I didn't. It has been two years and I kept my feelings to myself it's of no use anyways," he said in low voice. Y/n heart clenched knowing how much pain the boy in her arms was. She felt helpless not be able to help him. "I want to go home," he mumbled.

"Okay let's go."

Are You Sure? // Taehyung x Chubby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now