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Y/n woke up from her sleep when she heard her phone ringing. Groaning she answered her phone.


"Where the fuck are you?" Bella shouted on the phone. Y/n whined pulling the phone away from her ear and placed it back on her ear later on. She looked around and realize she end up sleeping in Tae Hyung's place.

"I am at Tae's place. He was feeling down so I stayed with him," she replied yawning in between.

"God, you could've texted me. You know how worried I got?"

"Yeah yeah." Y/n mumbled still in sleep. "I am fine don't worry." with that, she cut the phone. She looked at the time seeing it was just 1:30 am. She looked another side of the bed where Tae Hyung was sleeping next to her but his side was empty. She looked around the room but he wasn't there. Getting up from the bed she saw Yeoman sleeping peacefully on his bed. Walking out of the door she saw the living room's light on and saw Tae Hyung sitting on the floor with a bunch of books with him.

"Don't tell me you lowkey are a topper," she said loudly making Tae jumped.

"God you scared me," he said placing his hand on his chest where the heart is. Y/n just shrugged walking towards him and sat on the couch behind him, resting her head on its head(couch's head not Tae's) lazily.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" she asked yawning.

"I had a little bit of assignment left," he answered. Y/n carefully looked at his notes and saw it were of business management.

"I thought you are a Photography and media student?" she asked knowing media students don't have business management as a subject (Jessie is a media student).

"I just got Photography as an extra subject. I have to take care of family business when I return," he answered. That moment Y/n realizes once Tae gets graduate he won't be in her country any more plus she was going to graduate this year.

"You won't be making Photography as your profession?" she asked thinking that's what he would be doing.

"God no." he gave out a laugh but Y/n knew it was a fake one. "I will be disowned if I do that. My sister is already paying a price for it I don't want to be next."

"Your sister was kicked out?" Y/n asked in shock. Can anyone really do that to their own child? "What did she choose?"

"Since her childhood, she wanted to be an idol, umm artists as they say here. She went to take an audition without informing anyone and when she was selected she told the news to our father. He was angry he made her choose between her family and dream. Mom and I told her to choose her dream knowing how much she loves singing and dancing. So she told the father that she choose her dream- from that day he hasn't shown her his face."TaeHyung ends his story.

"Your father really hasn't met her since then?" Y/n asked in disbelief. "How long it's been?"

"I think we were sixteen at the time so it been around five years."

"Is she happy?"

"She is. I talked to her before coming here. She is in a girl group or you know it as a girl band who are been pretty famous in South Korea and other countries like Japan and Thailand."

"That's good." Y/n said not knowing what else to say to comfort the boy.

They spent the whole night together talking mostly Y/n changing the subject so Tae doesn't feel sad.

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