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Chapter 10


Y/n and Emma were on their way to their hanging spot when Y/n spot Tae Hyung walking towards them. She gave him a smile greeting-ly which of course he returns with his signature smile which Y/n likes to call weird.

"Hey you free on Friday?" he asked.

"Mostly yes." Y/n answered nodding mentally questioning herself if she had something to do on Friday.  "Why?"

"Us is released and I really want to watch."

Y/n was definitely going to see that movie.
"Sure, sure. I was seeing its reviews last night and I definitely don't want to miss that movie." Y/n agreed excited about watching the movie already.

"Okay then I will tell you the time and stuff later." he smiled walking away.

"What was that?" Emma asked when Tae Joon was far in distance from them. Y/n looked at Emma tilting her head in confusion.

"What was what?"

"You are going on date with a guy who Priya has a crush on." her best friend's girlfriend stated.

Y/n rolled her eyes.
"It's not a date. We are just going to watch a movie together like normal people." She says. "Do you really think I would do such a thing to Priya?" she asked Emma.

"I know you won't I am just looking for you guys. I don't want a guy to come in between your friendship."

"Trust me it won't."

Are You Sure? // Taehyung x Chubby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now