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Chapter 20

So here they were, Y/n on the driver seat humming to the song playing on the radio with Taehyung next to her seat with his baby in his arm. Yeontan was the most excited one here, it's been a long time since that boy had the car rides. He had his tongue out watching building passing by and occasionally barking excitedly. He wiggled from his dad's arms, wanting to roam around in the car but Taehyung was worried that he would distract Y/n or disturbed her.

"Just let him in the backside." Y/n said observing, how wiggly the boy was being.

Taehyung did as said let Yeontan go in the backside. He saw how happy the pup was running over the backseat back and forth barking excitedly and waving his tiny fluffy tail.

"So where are we going exactly?" He asked the girl next to her.

Y/n kept her eyes on the road. "You will know eventually." she said. "just for clarification I am not planning of murdering you," she added.

"Happy to hear that," Taehyung muttered watching the building passing by.


After four hours of a long drive, two breaks for snacks, and 10 breaks for toilet they eventually parked in front of a medium-sized house. Taehyung was confused about where we're they actually, he looked around and saw lanes on houses with a small lawn in front of them. Y/n got out of the car Yeontan in her arms and behind her Taehyung with his bag.

"Where are we exactly?" he asked, felt like he been asking the same question again and gain.

Y/n walked in front of the house and he followed behind her like a lost puppy.

"You said you missed your family, right?" she asked facing him but walking backward. Taehyung nodded confuse. "Well I can't do much about you not meeting your family but I can make you feel better." she smiled at him and turned around, ringing the bell.

"What exactly do-" Taehyung was cut off when the door opened by a middle-aged woman. Her eyes travel from him to Y/n and a smile formed on her lips.

"Oh baby you're here." the woman said and looked down seeing a cute fluff ball in her daughter's arms.

"Who is this cutie?" she rubbed his head to which he replied with a bark.

"This is Yeontan." Y/n said with a smile. She turns and faced her friend. "And this is Taehyung my friend and Yeontan's owner. And Tae this is my mum."

Taehyung bends down and greeted in the way he greets everyone back in Korea. "Nice to meet you, Ma'am." His heart started to beat in a quick phase. He didn't expect Y/n to bring him to meet her parents. All his mind screamed was 'make a good impression ' and 'don't screw it up '.

Why did she bring him here anyway?

"Drop formalities boy, just call me mum. Y/n told me about you being homesick so make yourself home. Treat us like a family and you're always welcome here." she said pulling Taehyung into a hug. "I know it gets difficult sometimes to be away from your family but remember they still love you." her mother whispered.

First Taehyung was surprised but melt by her words after a year he felt like he was in his mother's arms.

"Thank you," he mumbled.

She pulled out of their hug. "Now come inside you have met the rest of the people." she pulled him inside the house.

Entering the house first thing Taehyung noticed was a big black-furred cat sitting in the hallway blocking their way. He didn't know if he was hallucinating not but Taehyung felt like the cat was giving him an intense stare.

Y/n's mother walked to the cat and lift it up. "This is Mr... Fluffy." smiling she walked towards Taehyung. "She is Y/n's cat."

Taehyung reached his hand to rub Mr. Fluffy's head but the cat scratches his hand and started to hiss on him. He understood, she hates him.

"Fluffy!" Y/n shout at her cat. "Bad kitty." The cat hissed one last time before walking away.

"Tae are you okay?" Y/n asked him, looking at his hand where the cut was, blood stared to peak out if the skin.

"Oh dear, I will get a bandaid." Y/n' s mom said walking inside the house.
Y/n placed Yeontan on the floor and took TaeHyung's hand. "Let's clean that up." She said pulling him inside, in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, TaeHyung saw an Asian woman cooking when she noticed them coming.

"Oh dear what happen?" She asked when she noticed blood on TaeHyung's hand.

"Fluffy scratched him." Y/n informed the woman. The woman then took out a box from a drawer under the sink, she opened the box and removed a liquid bottle from it which Taehyung assumed was antiseptic.

"I am sorry dear, fluffy just don't like new company" She pours the liquid on a cotton ball and dabbed the wound on his hand. It burned a little but he didn't make a noise. 

"It's okay, I know cats can be… like that sometimes." He didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to say something which will offend the family.

"She had turned a bitch if you ask me." Y/n commented. "Anyways mom this Tae Hyung my friend and Tae this is my mom."

That's when he understood that Y/n had two mothers. He was a little surprised but again now it makes sense why she was so open about things. It was his first time to meet an actual gay-lesbian family. He always wondered how it would've felt to raised my same-gender parents and the answer was simple really, looking at Y/n he had concluded it must be amazing.

"A friend? And here I was hoping you will being someone more than a friend today." Y/n's mom said in a teasing manner. "Tell me Tae Hyung is there some in your campus who likes my daughter or someone my daughter likes?"

TaeHyung's mouth went dry, I didn't know what to say, answering no would be a lie but tell yes when he was still not sure would be so unnecessary.

"Mom!" Luckily they heard a child's voice. A young boy around 5 with Yeontan in his arms came running. "Is this my late birthday present?" He asked excitedly, sparkles in his eyes.

"No, it's not." Y/n said. "Yeontan belongs to my friend." The kid's smile turned upside down and looked at the puppy in hand sadly. "We are here for the night so you can play with till then." Y/n told him.

"Now say hello to my friend." She said and the kid looked at Taehyung.

"Hello, my name is Jack." He introduced himself. Taehyung bends down on his level.

"Nice to meet you, Jack. I am TaeHyung." Yeontan wiggled from the boy's grip and jump on his owner.

"Your hair looks so cool, mister." The kid said a touched the man's hair.

"Jack, what I told you about touching people's hair?" Jack's mother said in a warning tone.

"Never to touch them especially just because I think they are cool," Jack replied with a pout. "Sorry." He mumbled to Taehyung.

"It's okay you can touch my hair." He said to the kid with his famous boxy smile. The boy smiled and played with his long hair.

"Mom, can I grow my hair too?" He looked up to his mom with sparkles in his eyes.

"Sure." She replied.

"Sweet" the boy smiled like a bright sun.

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