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Chapter 24

"Are you awake?" Y/n heard Taehyung's voice. They both were laying on her bed, Y/n's back facing to her friend. No matter how much she tried she couldn't fall asleep. Her thoughts were running wild. But she didn't answer him. 

"Ever since you came back after talking to your brother, you seem to be silent. I hope you're okay." Taehyung continued, "I wanted to thank you for being in my life. For some reason, I just can't seem to bring this topic up. I was alone before we started to talk.  None of my classmates seems to have an interest in me, I was always left alone and had no one to talk to, no one to spend my time with. I thought this is how my college time was going to pass by. I was wishing for it to speed up, so I could finally go back, but after we met after you started to talk to me I was no longer alone.

"You were there for me. I started to wish time could move as slow as possible so I could spend more and more time with you. Being with you made me forget everything, my loneliness, my father, and any other worries I had, it all just disappeared when you were by my side. I wish we could stay the way we are forever."
What Taehyung didn't know was Y/n was wishing for the same wish.

What none of them knew was they both were crying silently for each other, wishing they could be in others' arms.

(a/n- don't forget it's okay to put yourself first sometimes✨)

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