good enough

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Chapter 25

The car was stopped right outside of Taehyung's apartment building.

"Do you need some help carrying your luggage?" Y/n asked.

"Can you get Yeontan?" Taehyung asked and Y/n nod as an answer. She parked her car in the parking lot and carried Yeontan to his owner's apartment.


"I will meet you tomorrow then." Y/n said ready to leave.

"Y/n" Taehyung called her out. She looked right in his eyes, he walked towards her.

"Thank you for inviting me to your house. I am grateful to know that you care about you so much." He said in a low voice and offered her a soft smile.

"Always, " she smiled back. "I am here for you, always. So don't think twice before telling me anything," she assured him.

Taehyung had a small smile on his lips as he moved his face forward to her's, Y/n glump as her breathing became hectic and heart speed up.

Soon she felt his warm lips on her skin. She closed her eyes, wishing she could pause this moment and his lips on her forehead.

Even if this wasn't what she was expecting but it was good enough.

Soon she felt arms wrapping around her body and was in Taehyung's holds. His lips left her forehead and rested his chin on top of her head.
Without making any nose both of them stayed in the same position.

'I like you'

(a/n- I am planning on posting remaining chapters today itself so I could focus on my studies soon~)

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