your special tea is here

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Y/n how are you doing? I am sorry I haven't been replying to you.

Work had made me busy especially now that my father had finally decided to retire. I am working my ass off and sometimes it gets tiring (most of the time). But don't worry my Hyung is helping a lot if it wasn't for him I would have been lost here, not knowing what to do.

It's been two years since we meet up and a year since I had heard your voice. I miss you. I wish I could just leave everything behind and come to (country you live) so could finally see your face. Sometimes I just wish for time to pause where we were together in my apartment, watching movies and not caring about the world.

I am trying my best to make my father explain that I am not ready for marriage but still tries to convince me that it would be good for the company. Wish he could understand that marriage is more than just about agreements and benefits.

Anyway, mother was asking about you, she asked me to ask you to come to visit us, and honestly, I too would love it if you could come. It's on you though I know things are hectic for you too.

Hope we will meet soon



Taehyung I am doing mostly fine.

Few days have been a little stressful though, I just started to work as a part-time illustrator, and Mr fluffy was sick at that time. I thought I was going to lose him but fortunately, it was nothing serious. He had become calmer now. He doesn't attack people out of anywhere so maybe the next time you meet him you will be safe (there is no guarantee).

And how is Yeontan? I hope you're taking care of him.

About your marriage, I hope you will calmy talk to your father, please think about his health before speaking. But I hope you will end up convincing him.

And please, say hi to your mother from me. Even though I had talked to her for a few moments I could tell that you got your tender personality from her. Tell her I love to come and visit if I get time but you know things are getting busy around plus now I have to take care of Jack sometimes now that moms had gone for the world tour. Jin tries to help me most of the time but even he is getting busy with his makeup line launch. He offered me to take Jack with him but Jack's school is close to my house than his new one.

Speaking of Jack I made this kid a few days ago. Well, he is not a kid, he is just three years younger than me. He somehow reminds me of a bunny.

Anyways back to the topic, I met him when was going back to my place after work. He was at the bus stop crying. I tried to comfort him and that's when he told me he lost his job and house that day and didn't have a place to live. I offered him my place and I know it sounds crazy but I just couldn't ignore him like that. I hope he doesn't murder me in my sleep.

How are you doing? And please try not to overwork yourself and take care of your health. Eat and sleep on the time it is as important as work.


Y/n are you crazy??

Please tell me that you had kicked that person out of your place. You can't just take a stranger to your place!

What were you thinking??? Fuck, Y/n don't be this reckless. What if he tries to harm you? Has he?? Please tell me you're safe.

And to answer your question don't worry Yeontan is doing fine and is healthy though I haven't got much time to be with him. My mother takes care of him tho and sometimes my hyungs and their friends take him out for a walk.

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