𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐

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Apparently the infamous Tony Stark threw a party - a welcome party for me, so now, I'm sitting to one of the couches having a drink with everyone.

"So y/n how have you been?" Cap asked. There was a little bit of pause before I replied.

"It's been good," I took a sip of my drink as they all nodded.

"Well that's good... So now that you're back, are you planning to stay?" Sam asks this time. I sat back on the couch, with my head on Peter's shoulder.

"Just for temporary until the mission is complete," I answered plainly, they all give me the 'lets see about that' look, making me roll my eyes.

"Let's play a game!" Thor shouts as he sat beside me with a huge smile on his face.

"What game?"

"Truth or dare?"
"Spin the bottle?"
"Never have I ever?"
"Seven minutes in heaven?"

"I'm in for never have I ever," I answered. Everyone then shared a look and they all nodded. Tony went to grab some shot's in the bar and came back after a few minutes.

"Never have I ever... Had sex," Tony started.

"Wow, that's fast," I added, before drinking, everyone else drinks except Cap.

"You never did?" Clint raises his voice while Maria chuckles beside him.

"Never did," Steve shook his head, and we all shared a good laugh.

"Alright. Never have I ever... Asks someones phone number." He stated.

I watched Nat at the corner of my eye and she was blushing. It made me smile though.

"Y/n!" Someone shouts.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You haven't asked someones phone number?" Wanda asked and I shook my head. "Then how did you get ours?"

"FRIDAY," I answered while quickly sitting properly. "Okay now. Never have I ever... Had friends with benefits," I started and the room ends up in a complete silence, they all shared a look, until,

"Okay no one, no one ever did that," Clint breaks the ice and everyone else nodded, not me, since my mood dropped. "Naver have I ever... Cheated," Clint exclaims the last part, making everybody clear their throats, except Nat.

I took in the last shot before standing up to answer Fury's call -they probably thinking that I cheated- I walked away from them to get more privacy.

"What?" I spat.

"Woah, rough night," he chuckles.

"I'm drunk, so make it quick."

"I got her location, she'll be back by morning," he informed. Somehow I got a bit sobered up by what he said.

"Where is she then? Is she alright?"

"We don't know that yet, but let's just hope she is," he then hang up.

I turn around only to see Natasha behind me with her furrowed eye brows. She then grab my wrists and pulls me outside of the room.

"Wha - Nat get off me," she only tightens her grip and looks at me dead in the eye.

"What's your deal?" She gritted her teeth.

I scoffed. "What's my deal? It's more of been like what's your deal, since you're the one who's pinning me down right now," I answered, same tone as her, she didn't reply back as she just stared at me, moving closer every second. Her emerald eyes were narrowed, still reading me like an open book. "Nat, get off of me," I added softly.

"Did you cheat on me?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed. And I stayed silent. "ANSWER ME!" at this point she was fuming in anger.

"Are you accusing me?" I asked back. Her eyes narrowed on mine again, as she search for a glint of a lie.

She scoffed. "You just drank the alcohol earlier."

I looked at her unamused. "That doesn't mean I cheated, Natalia," I used her real name, letting her know that i'm also unhappy by the way she was acting.

"What was I suppose to think?!" she slammed me again, getting more aggressive, I flinched to her movements.

She quickly noticed what she was doing and cleared her throat and moves away.

My breathing got a bit shallow as I crouched down in front of the redhead, and she just stood there, watching me without any idea what to do.

"Nat," I try to call out, quietly, but then she just walked away.

Well shit, she just left me.

Natasha's POV

I walked away from her, without even looking back, guilty to what I did.

After a while of thinking, I just realized that I didn't apologize.

"Fuck," I hissed under my breath.

I got up from my bed and quickly went out to find her, but as soon as I did, I saw her door close behind her. I bite my lip, thinking whether to approach her or not.

I sighed. I'll just make it worse.

Your POV

It was around three in the morning when I heard someone screaming. Maybe it's just nothing? I tried convincing myself but the screams keeps on going, so I got up and I put on a sweater that I don't own.

I winced as I bump my thigh on the wooden table in the middle of my old room. "I'm gonna kill whoever put that there."

I winced again as I try to walk, but ended up limping. I made an eye roll to my dumbness, and reached the door.

One step at a time, the screams was getting louder and I realized it was coming from Natasha's room.

I made my way in as she keeps on screaming.
"Nat," nothing. "Nat, wake up," I shook her but still nothing. "NATASHA!" I shouted, nothing. "NAT! FUCKING WAKE UP!" I shout next to her ears, and she finally jolts up and she was trembling. I didn't know what to do. Her breathing was heavy. "Nat.. Look at me," I started softly, she wouldn't look. I grab her chin turning her head so she could face me, she was crying. "Are you okay?" I asks but she just cries, so, I pulled her in for a hug, letting her bury her face on my neck. "Hey it's okay," I said while rubbing her back softly.

We sat there for a while and she keeps on pushing me but I held her even more closer. "Calm down," I whispered, but she wouldn't want to...

Natasha's POV

When she pulled away, she just sat there beside me with a comforting smile on her face. "Nightmare?" She started and I nod. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She softly tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. Since when did she care? I asked myself, so I shake my head 'no', "Okay," she keeps me near her as I laid my head on her shoulder, I was just pushing her now I'm being soft?

Going back to what she said, it wasn't just a nightmare, it was a memory, that I chose to forget. "Do you want anything? I can get you some water," she whispered and I shook my head. "Are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm fine y/n, okay, it was just a dream, I don't need you here, now go!" I replied as I distanced myself from her.

"Oh okay then," and with that she stood up and left my room. "Y/N, Im—," I called out but she didn't look back.

As soon as the door closed, I realized that I was a bit rude. Not just bit, I was being rude. But then again, I hate her, so that was just right, she deserves it.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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