𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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I woke up around four in the morning the next day by a pounding in my head and I couldn't figure out why. I moved from my bed and made my way to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and bags were under my eyes, I turned on the tiny faucet that was on the sink and little by little the color of the water changes, it was now red, blood red.

My eyes flickers as they were getting caught in the drain and I started to back away.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

I then, turn around only to meet by the readhead who is standing right in front of me, I noticed that her eyes were becoming burnt and black, I gasps. I felt a liquid flowing through my feet, I look down and saw that blood were glittered on the floor, I followed its trail and leads to the redhead who is now just inches away from me, and whispers. "You did this"

My eyes snap open, and I was covered in cold sweat, shaking. I look around the room suspiciously and paranoid that I might see something that I don't like. Heart pounding, I get up cautiously not to fall, I rubbed my eyes and my temple so I could be fully awake. I walk down the hallway to get myself a glass of water and I stumbled along the way.

Finally, I took in a deep breath, realising that it was only a dream. I drank almost ten glasses of water before hearing a voice.

"Did you run twenty miles?" Steve jokes and stands up next to me.

"My thoughts did," I smiled at him weakly before sitting down on the chair.

"Wanna talk about?" He asks

I shook my head. "No," the word came out in a questioning manner, making him raise his eye brows.

"You sure?" His looks concerned.

"Nightmare," I finally gave up, making him sigh.

"It's been going on for almost three weeks, don't you think it's time to see a Doctor...." He stated and I shook my head again.

"It's no need, Steve, don't worry I can handle them," I reassured him. "By the way, do we have any mission?" I ask, changing the subject.

"HYDRA," he replied dryly.

"What time?"

"Seven this morning," He answered while the redhead came in without glancing at us.

"And who's going?" I trail it of with my finger, but Steve wasn't listening to me, instead she was looking at the assassin with a worried expression. "STEVIE!" I call out and he finally looks at me.

"Oh uh, it's uhm, me, you, and Wanda," he answered and I just nodded.

"Okay then, I'll go get ready," I stood up before he could reply but,

"Aren't you eating breakfast?" He half-yelled.

"Not in the mood."

Natasha's POV

"Is she avoiding me?" I asks him but he just shrug, so, I glared at him.

"A little bit," he shows his hand, indicating the 'little bit'

"And why is that?" I raised my eye brows, he then sighs.

"You'll know when you get your memory back," He replied and I just rolled my eyes.

"I mean why is she even here?" I spat.

"Cause we need her," he said firmly.


"She's hiding something from you, from all of us," he hesitated for a while. "Fury, he knows something. He helped her get away to something she did years ago, don't you remember," he finished.

"You may be Captain America but you're dumb, of course I can't remember that much after I had that stupid surgery," I glared at him, making him shut his mouth. "Who's fault was it? The incident, who did it?" I furrowed my eye brows.

He shook his head. "I can't tell you that, Nat, I'm sorry," he answered softly.

"Hey guys, what're you two talking about?" Wanda's voice echoed throught the room, making me look up to the witch.

"Who's fault was it, Wands? My brain damage, who did it?" I asked again, Wanda then took her by surprise so she immediately look at Steve and stayed silent for a while.

"Uhm, No one?" She avoided my eye contact.

"You're a terrible liar," I hissed and she quickly looked down.

"I'm sorry, I just can't tell you that?" She almost whispered.

"Whoa, what's with all the commotion, your voices can be heard from afar," Tony joins in with a goofy smile. "What's for breakfast?" No one answered. "Fine, I'm going to cook for myse-,"

"Who was responsible for my brain damge?" I looked at him and he smiled.

"Oh that it was y/n, but it was an acci-,"

"What?!" I almost yelled. Steve and Wanda looks at Tony with a disappointing look.

"Was she not suppose to know?" Tony then pursed his lips. I quickly left the room and I heard Tony says. "Don't even start."

I made my way upstairs to y/n's room and I barged in and she was only wearing a black bra and shorts, she turns around with a surprise look. "What the hell -- Natasha! You could've at least knocked," she yelled.

"You could've killed me," I yelled back, and she just looks down. "First you cheated on me and now you're trying to kill me, what the heck is your problem?!" I exclaimed and she flinched.

"I know what I did and I'm sorry, okay, I didn't mean to," she pleaded and I just scoffed.

"You didn't mean to? You could have thought about that at first, before fucking someone else!" I yelled at her again, but this time she looks up and her eyes were a bit glossy.

"How dare you shout at me for fucking someone else when I didn't," she shook her head. "It was you, Natasha, you fucked someone else that's why I broke up with you!" she spat those words full of disgust and hurt. "You thought I didn't saw you?" She scoffed.

"It doesn't matter you still cheated," I look at her up and down as if I was judging her look.

"See, that's the fucking problem Romanoff, always play innocent as if you didn't do anything!" She left without a single word and only then I let my tears fall down.

I guess acting like I lost my memory was a bad idea after all...

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

A/N: Nat was suppose to slap y/n but I figured it was too much since Nat wouldn't do that, so yeah, hope you liked this one.

Pizza? No? 🍕

Also, thank you so much for 110 reads. Love you all humans ❤

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