𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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Natasha's POV

I woke up around ten in the evening.

I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat, after that I went straight to the main room. It was dark. I walked more further into the room and the TV was open, someone was sitting on the carpet and their back was on me, I slowly sat down onto the couch and I realize that it was y/n reading a book, I sat next to her and she got startled, she didn't look at me and kept reading the book.

"Is there a ghost watching?" I joked but she still didn't look at me. I peered my head on the book to see what she was reading but she quickly closed it, making a thump, and said. "What do you want, Nat?" Her voice was serious.

"I just want to talk," I replied, she then looks at me and smiled, not a genuine smile.

"Look, I'm sorry okay, for not telling you... But I'm giving you permission to be her mom, not like I needed to tell you that, but yeah, You can be her mother and she can be your daughter," she stood up, but then looks back. "You can spend time with her whenever you like."

"But that wasn't what I want to talk about," I looked up at her. "I want to talk about us ," I added, she didn't reply a while before she faked a smile.

"There's nothing to talk about us," she turns her back on me but I quickly stood up and hugged her from behind.

"Please?" I cooed, she place her hand on mine and she gently unwrapped it from her waist.

Your POV

I was about to say something but I saw a red light from afar indicating that someone is watching us. Fuck.

"I'm sorry," I answered quickly before rushing out of the room.

Minutes later I found myself standing in the forest, looking for the thing that I saw earlier.

Tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky, I could see stars gleaming from above, as the moon lit up the night. With each step that I make has a cracking undergrowth, snapping twigs. I stood in the center and I was surrounded by dark trees with a note in the middle saying.

I'm watching your every move.


Reading the initial made me shiver through the cold night, a wind passes through me which made my legs stiffen, I gulp slowly, and stepped back until I was out of the forest. I stood there for a moment before I jogged back to the compound.

Natasha's POV

Y/n was running and made her way to the back door, she made her way in and closed the door behind her, she released a shaky breath and rubbed her hands on her face, she didn't notice that I was standing meters away from her. She started biting her nails, a thing that she does when she's anxious.

I furrowed my eye brows as I start to question. What is she afraid of? What is she hiding?

My presence then got unnoticed and she just glared at me. "Were you watching?" She furrowed her eye brows.

I cleared my throat. "Yes."

"Why?" She asked.

"Can I hug you?" I immediately asked, she was tensed but as soon as I wrapped my arms around her, she relaxed and let out a sigh, she then closed her eyes and I secretly slid my hands on her back pocket, snatching a paper from her. She quickly pulled away and started walking away without glancing at me.

I read what was written on the paper and it made me more curious. I swiftly ran to the communications room, and I checked all the cameras. Nothing. I asked FRIDAY if she saw something but she said nothing.

The next morning I talked to some agents that if they saw something unusual or suspicious they would report back to me.

I had just finished my training and I was on my way back to the kitchen, when I walked into y/n. She didn't looked at me but she said. "Good morning Agent Romanoff," she greeted but before I could reply she was gone again.

"What was that about?" Wanda asked as I enter the kitchen.

I shruged. "I don't know."

"She seems off lately, ever since she woke up she hadn't said a single word, well not until to you," She replied. I went closer to her and hand her the paper. She reads it."Does anyone know?" She whispered.

"Just you, me and y/n," I answered and grab something from the fridge.

"Does y/n knows that you have this?" She looks at me, and I shook my head. "No, I took it from her pocket last night."

"What? Why-"

"Does any of you knows where Fury is?" Y/n's voice appeared, cutting off Wanda, we both looked at her, and y/n's eyes flickers on the paper that was on Wanda's hand then back to the both of us. "Any of you knows?" She asked but this time it was slower.

"Yes, he's in the foyer," Wanda answered and y/n nods and left.

"Fuck," I mumbled and I followed y/n.

I saw her talking to Fury as they both whispered back and forth, Fury looks furious as y/n looks worried.

Your POV

"I didn't" I almost hissed. "I wasn't sure."

"What do you mean, I read it in your report y/n, it was clear to me and to Maria and Coulson that you killed him," he gritted his teeth.

I looked at him in the eye. "I lied... I never found his body," I whispered and he pursed his lips. "I mean who knows, maybe he could still be a 'walking dead' or something," I shrugged.

He took in a deep breath before glaring at me. "Better find him then,"

I put my hand on his chest to stop him from walking away "And if we don't?"

"Then she's gonna die," he looks away and I followed his eye sight and it landed to the redhead.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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