𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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Natasha's POV

I woke up with an empty bed next to me. Where the fuck is she?. I thought, forcing myself to get out of bed. I saw a note on my night stand, I pick it up and it says.

Don't worry, I'll come back to you


I frowned and I quickly went out of the room. I saw the rest of the team in the conference room where Fury was in the center. I barge in and everyone looked at me, but the person that I was looking for wasn't there.

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Woah, good morning to you too," Tony's sarcasm got unnoticed as I dialed y/n's ohone number. It rang three times but she didn't pick up.

I looked at Fury and he looks back at me, he then sighs. "She went after him, didn't she?" he stated and I just nodded.

I couldn't shake the weird feeling that was growing inside of me every minute as we all try to call y/n. My mind was split into two parts as I thought about where would she go and a part where I try to calm myself, but it was no use. We checked the camera footage but we didn't saw anything, she didn't took her car or her motorcycle or any vehicle that was inside the compound, it's as if she walked her way to wherever that guy she's following. We couldn't track her 'cause her phone was down, and Tony forgot to put a tracker on her suit, unbelievable.

"What the fuck Fury," I hissed.

"I know Natasha! She's my daughter and I know I fucked up,," Fury yelled.

"Calm down you two," Wanda almost yelled, making me spun around to see everyone frustrated. I took in a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous," I started fidgetting my fingers as I get more and more anxious, I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump, but it was only Steve. "Nat, don't worry, she'll be okay," he whispered and I just faked a smile. I look over to the window and I saw someone outside. I didn't waste any more second as I quickly made my way out there.

It is her and she was wearing her suit. Her back was facing me, and I couldn't see her face, I step one more closer, and then. "Y/n," I said but it came out like a question.

She wouldn't turn around, so, I took the guts to walk in front of her. I gasps as soon as I saw her. Her hair was frizzy and it cascaded around her face, she had a cut on her cheek and a busted lip, her suit was coveresd in blood, and her breast was barely covered. On her right arm was placed a knife that was dripping with blood.

I finally looked at her and tried to touch her but she stepped back. "It's okay," I whispered softly. I looked down to her knife and back to her eyes. "Drop it," I command but she didn't. "Y/n it's okay, drop it," Again she didn't.

"Nat," she whispered. "I-I... Didn't..."

"Shhh, it's okay," I reassured her and stepped one more. "It's okay," Finally I reached her and I quickly hug her, pulling her even more without the intention of letting go. She hugged me back and buried her face on my neck.

Your POV

Natasha took care of me and I refused for her to leave my side until I fell asleep.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I yelled, still half-asleep.

"Someone's waiting for you outside," Wanda informed me, making me look at her. "Who?" I asked. "Your mother," she answered.

I sat up on my bed, confused. "My... Mother?"

"Mmm-hmm, do you want me to send her away?"
She asked, I saw Nat appeared behind her so I shook my head. "No need, I wanna see her," I smiled and made my way out of my room.

Fury will kill me if he found out that I'm seeing my mother, more specifically his one night stand. I haven't actually meet her, so, this is going to be the first time. Oh and she's also Russian.

"I didn't know that you have a mom," Wanda breaks the ice and I just smiled.

"It's complicated," I answered.

"Are you sure it's her mom?" Nat asked, as she looks at Wanda skeptically. "Nat it's okay, it's just my mother nothings gonna go wrong," I reassured her with a kiss on her cheeks, making her blush.

"Guys stop flirting," Wanda made an eye roll.

I giggled. "Why so bitter?" I nudge her side before kissing her cheek. Nat cleared her throat and pulled me out of the elevator. "Got jealous?" I raised an eye brow and she glared at me. I shook my head with a smile.

After a while we arrived outside, and I made my way to the lady that was now in front of me. "Mom?" I whispered softly. She then turns around with a big smile on her face.

"Malen'kiy," her eyes gets watery as she cups my face. Little one. "mne ochen' zhal', chto ya brosil tebya," she added, but I shook my head. I'm so sorry for leaving you.

"Net mama vse normal'no ya ponimayu," my eyes started to get watery as those words escaped my mouth. No mom, it's okay I understand. She just smiled, before hugging me. She stroked my back gently and whispered. "Stupid," I felt a sharp pain hit my abdomen.

Only then I realized that it was because of the knife that she was holding, I grab on her tight and she kept stabbing me to the point where I was coughing my own blood. I looked at her and she smirked. "It feels great to hurt you" her Russian accent was so strong.

And suddenly, my whole body fell to the floor and I heard Natasha called out after me, I heard gunshots, but I was too weak to see who it was.

Natasha came by my side and put my head on her lap. "I don't wanna go, pleas,e" I begged weakly as the redhead was already crying. She smiled trying to hide her fear but it was apparent to me. "At least not yet," I added weakly again, as tears streams down my face.

"You won't, you're going to be okay. I promise you that, it's going to be okay," she kept repeating the words as she tries to stop her tears but couldn't.

I slowly raised my hands to cup her face and wipe her tears. "Don't cry," I whispered.

"I'm sorry... I left... Nat... I'm sorry...for hurting you," I stated in between breaths as the air stopped entering my lungs, my eyes were getting heavier and I felt the pain kicks in again. Natasha was shouting but I couldn't understand what it was. "No! Don't you dare close your eyes!" She yelled as the panic in her face grew even more.

I forced a smile. "You know... I never stopped loving you," Nat then glares at me.

"Now's not the time for that," she answered too quickly, I pressed my index finger on her lips and I smiled again, she relaxed a bit upon my touch.

"I love you Natasha Romanoff," I said breathlessly, before consciousness left my body.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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