𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟖

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Your POV

"I think Wanda knows that she's my daughter," I anxiously admitted to the one eyed man slash my father.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Well, first of, she can read minds and Talia always calls me 'ma'," I answered. There was a bit of a pause until he spoke.

"Why not just tell the truth?" He suggest, making me sigh.

"And what? Let them take her. Nope not a chance Nick — I mean dad," I answered and I quickly put my phone in between my ear and shoulder.

"Y/n, I'm sure they wouldn't take her, I mean their the Avengers-,"

"Yeah yeah I know, but I'm not ready, still, after what Natasha did years ago, I don't think I'll be able to trust them again."

He then hummed. "You do have a point, but remember y/n they don't trust you either."

I took in one last breath before I answered. "Yeah, thanks for the heads up," I replied sarcastically as I enter my room and I saw Natasha sitting on my bed. Our eyes then meets and I got lost in it, that I didn't even heard what Fury was saying. "Uhm - uh, can I call you back?"

"Alright," He groans and I can tell that he's rolling his eyes. I hang up then I cleared my throat.

"W-why are you here?" I asked but she keeps on staring at me suspiciously, so, I just shook my head and went over to my desk, facing my back on her.

"Do you mind me asking some questions?" She asked after a while,and I thought about it.

"No, not at all, ask whatever you want," I replied without looking at her.

"Can you at least face me?"

"is it necessary?" She didn't replied back and I hesitated before looking at her, 'cause I knew that she can read me easily. "Okay, ask away," I said while we both look at each other.

"Are you okay?" She started. "Yes."

"Are we okay?" She kept her eyes on me and I kept mine on hers, I paused for a while before answering her. "I don't know."

"Why?" She furrowed her eye brows.

"Ask that yourself, Nat," I half-smiled but she just frowned.

"Did I do something wrong?" She tilts her head slightly, I looked at her for a while trying to figure out why she's doing this. My eyes welled up a bit, but I just forced a smile. "No."

"What was it, then?!" She halfed yelled, but I just kept my mouth shut. "What did I do to make you break up with me?" She started to walk back and forth in my room and I just watched her amused. "What was the mistake?" Her voice broke a little. "Y/n?"

I walked up near her and looked her in the eye."You broke a promise Natasha, that was your mistake!" I slammed the door behind me, knowing that it made Natasha flinch but I didn't care. I made my way out of the room to find Tony.

I saw him in his lab, doing work on his suit. "Hey kid," he smiled and so did I. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

I shruged. "I just wanted to see you that's all," I reasoned but he just raised his eye brows, I sighed. "Should I tell her?"

He puts down his screw driver and he looks at me straight in the eye. "Are you ready? Can you accept what happened?" He asked, making me doubt my decision.

"I accept it but..."

"Still hurts," he finished for me and I just nodded. "What if the only way to make it stop from hurting is to tell her the truth," he wiggled his eye brows and I just sighed.

"And what if it doesn't?" I raised my eye brows. He then came in front of me and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Listen, you wouldn't lose anything kid, besides it's been morethan a decade, don't you think she deserves to know the reason," he patted my back. "Think about it."

I thought about it whole day and it's been bothering me from now and then, again my head and heart was fighting against what should I do. It's a tough one, you know, I mean the reason is embarrassing, what if she just laughs about it, or she wouldn't believe me.

I stood outside her room, walking back and forth wether I should go in or not.

"You know the floor's gonna collapse soon if you don't stop from walking back and forth," Wanda's voice errupts, making me look at her and she was sitting lazily on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-shouted.

"I've been here longer than you are, so basically, what are you doing here?" She asked back, making me roll my eyes.

"I wanted to talk to Nat," I answered, making her look at me.

"And tell her the truth," Again Wanda being Wanda.

"Yes, and tell her the truth," I repeated.

"Then what are you waiting for... Go on knock before she knock you down," she joked.

"Haha funny," I rolled my eyes and she just giggled. I took in a deep breath, and turned around.

Okay just knock and talk, that's all, it's going to be okay. Just. Talk.

I then knocked.




But nothing, so, I turn around and I shrugged while looking at Wanda. "She doesn't answer," I sighed in defeat.

"Maybe she's not there," she smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah mayb-,"

"Y/n?" Her voice was raspy, making me turn sround to face her.

I scanned her up and down and she was just wearing a gray robe, she was sweating a little, her eyes were a bit red, her hair was messy, and her expression didn't changed, she just looked at me as if she had seen a ghost, she was also panting as her lips parted a little bit — cheeks flushed.

"Who was it?" A man's voice yelled coming from her room, and from that I got it.

"Uh uhm, I-It's y/n...my friend," she stuttered and her voice was a bit shaky.

I faked a smile. "I was about to talk to you but it seems like you have company, so, I'll just come back."

"Oh uh, no, we can talk, I have time," she answered.

"Oh no, It's okay, it can wait, you can go back now, I'm sorry for disturbing you," I turn around to ask help from Wanda.

"No you didn't disturb me - I uh I mean us-," she cut off herself, and finally Wanda stood up and acted like she just arrived.

"Oh, y/n there you are. Taliyah needs you it's an emergency," she smiled, and I mouthed 'thank you'.

"So, uh, Nat I'm really sorry for disturbing. I have to go thoug, sorry," I looked over my shoulder and I saw her release a shaky breath. Wanda then looks at Nat.

"Oh, hey Nat," Wanda waved and she just nodded.

I walked away from the both of them but Wanda cathed up on me and started walking next to me.

"What happened?" She asked softly.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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