𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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"You are real. You are not a ghost. I'm not dreaming. You are not dead. You are here in front of me alive, like really really alive," She started mumbling as she walks back and forth in the middle of the room and we all watched her like she was the principal of our school. Fury on the other hand was sitting in front with a disappointed look because of me.


"Shut up!" She cuts me off, now she looks furious. She then scoffed. "I- you're dead!" She hissed as she left the room, Fury then sighs as I looked over the room to see some of the boy's hungover from last night. I reluctantly stood up and followed after Nat.

"Nat!" I shout and she stops walking, I smiled. "Oh thank go-"

She cuts me off again by saying. "I watched you die in front of me!... Did you have any idea how hard it is to watch you die and then few days later you show up like nothing happened!" She yelled at me. "I fucking mourned for your death! And now I find out about you being alive!" She scoffs. "Are you mad?!" she gritted her teeth as her eyes started to get watery.

"Nat I-"

"No, you lied to me again. Why? Why do you keep on doing it? Huh?" She questioned.

"It's to keep you safe," I answered calmly, holding back my tears.

"Oh fuck that 'it's to keep you safe' act," she mocks me. "You know what you deserve this," she then punched me in the face making my nose crack a little, I wipe the insy bit of blood that was on my nose.

"Nat, please let me explain," I begged.

"How could you do that to me," she slightly tilt her head to the side.

"Nat please you have to understand that I did that for you — for all of us," I tried again. She then looks behind me as some of the Avengers stood there watching us.

"You guys knew that she was alive. ALL. THIS. TIME... and none of you told me..." she continued.

"I wanted to tell you-"

"But you didn't... Wanda you saw me suffer this past few days, but you didn't," she looked at Wanda but the witch looked away.

"I'm sorry but it was for the mission," Wanda added even though she knew it's not working. Nat then turns her head on me.

She shook her head. "You're a coward," she spat before she left.

"Nat," I called after her.

"No," she said firmly.

But my stubborn ass followed her even though the Avengers warned me, yet I still did follow her until we both reached the end of the hallway.

"Nat I'm really sorry-"

"I said shut up," she cuts me off again without even looking at me.

And I did shut up, standing there waiting for her to say something, it did take longer than expected but it's better late than never. She finally looked at me and stared right straight to my soul and it's been killing me. "I hate you," she meant it.

"Yeah, I know," I nodded and she gently wipes the blood under my nose. "Does it look bad?" I asked and she nods. "C'mere," she grabs my wrists and pulled me all the way to the kitchen to grab some ice pack.

"Let me," I was suppose to grab the ice pack but she shoved it away.

"No," she said firmly, she sat me down on the corner of the table and she puts the ice pack on my nose and cheek. She pressed it hard making me wince.

"Ow! Why the aggression?" I groaned as she roll her eyes with a smile.

"Dont. Do. That. Ever. Again." She pressed it harder every word, making me grab her so tight, that my nails were digging her skin yet she didn't flinch.

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