𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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Natasha pins me on the wall as she holds me tightly on the collar of my jacket, she norrowed her eyes on me. "Is there something I need to know?" she asked and I just shook my head.

"Nothing, why?" I asked the same manner at hers. Her eyes danced on me as she looks at me carefully, searching for a lie, and so she did. "You're lying!" She almost yelled.

I smiled. "I know," I cupped her face and studdied her for abit before leaning in for a soft kiss, she respond immediately, and I smiled on our kiss. "I'm so sorry I had to do this," I mumbled before injecting something on her neck, her grip on me was now released, as her eyes closed.

I carried her on bridal style before putting her to the jet where Fury and the others were waiting.

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asked.

"Yes," I put Natasha down and strap her on the seat next to Taliyah. "Take care of eachother," I whispered to her ears and kissed Taliyah's forehead. I sat there for a moment just watching Natasha, and I couldn't help but to get emotional. "I'll see you when I see you again," I pecked one last kiss on her lips.

I look back to Clint. "Don't worry they'll be safe in our 'safehouse'," he replied and I give him a hug.

"Yeah right, what's the word 'safe' if it isn't?" I sarcastically replied and he shook his head with a smile.

After they took off, I turned to, "Agent Hill, got anything for me?" I asked her as I started walking back to the compound.

Natasha's POV

I opened my eyes and I saw Clint's face right in front of me with a smug look, I slapped him across the face making him groan in pain. "Where am I?" I asked.

"Inside a quinjet," A little voice appeared beside me, I looked at it and it was Taliyah playing something on her phone.

"And why am I here?" I asked again. This time Clint was the one who answered. "It was your girlfriend's idea," I furrowed my eye brows.

"I don't have a—" I widened my eyes as I remebered what happened. "Y/n," I mumbled. I was about to stand up but my feet were on cuffs. "Don't tell me she told you this too," I added, and the two of them looks at me.

"Mmm, yeah," Taliyah replied, making me roll my eyes.

"Why? where are we going?"

"To the 'safehouse'," Clint said.

"And why are we going there?"

Taliyah sighed. "It's to keep you safe , I mean us safe."

"Safe from what?" It got me more curious.

"Someone's trying to kill you," Tony's voice appeared and his face was flashed on the screen.

"And you needed to send me away to keep me safe?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You idiot, you can't tell that to her," I heard y/n's voice as she snatched away the phone that Tony was holding.

"I already did," Tony argued.

"And now she knows, then the next thing she'll do is to come back here, 'cause she's stubborn and she always gets what she wants," Y/n finished, making me smile in amusement.

"Mmm-hmm, you are right and that is why you are hers, since she always gets what she wants, am I right?" Tony smirked while y/n made an eye roll.

"No, it's not," she denied.

"Whatever you say, at the end of the day you two will always end up together, no matter the circumstances are," Once again Tony grinned but y/n acts as if she was unaffected.

"Not if I die," Y/n's remark had everyone silent and even Taliyah looked up the screen.

"Alright that's enough," Rogers broke the ice as always, getting everybody's attention. "Nat," he started. "You will be staying at the 'safehouse' for now as we try to sort things out-"

"And why do I need to be sent away?" I asked, they all looked at y/n but she just looks down to her laptop.

"To keep you safe, Agent Romanoff," Y/n continues, I tilt my head to the side. "Oh please, cut the formalities, just fucking tell me the truth!" I yelled this time, y/n then looks at the monitor and her eyes were a bit glossy.

"You want to know the truth? Even if it hurts you?" She replied with her jaw clenched.

I scoffed. "I'm used to getting hurt," I challenged her.

"Fine then," she took in a deep breath. "I killed your biological father," she simply answered, without looking at me.

Ivan was my biological father, I didn't spend that much time with him but I still loved him and he was still my father, I hated him because I thought he left me, I thought he didn't want me as his daughter.

Thousands of thoughts ran through my mind but only one stand out. Y/n. She might have killed my father but I don't hate her, maybe because she has a reason why she killed him, or maybe not.

Your POV

"Why did you lie?" Fury asked. "You were the reason why he died. You didn't kill him, y/n," he finished.

"It's still the same thing," I replied casually.

"Same thing?" he huffed.

I looked at him. "I gave her a reason to not come back here, if she hates me the more she doesn't want to see me and if that happens then she'll be safe. Untill then, she will only come back when... I'm not here...with you guys...anymore," I didn't actually want to say that but I said what i said and there's no coming back.

"What do you mean?" Wanda furrowed her eye brows, and so does everyone else.

"When all of this will be done, I'll go back to my life." I answered quietly.

Bucky scoffed. "You're going to leave us again? Your family?"

"God when will you ever learn to stay put in a one place. One goddamn place y/n!" Sam added.

"I don't understand, why?" Vision just looked at me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry you guys but if I stay here then all of you will be in danger."

"So let it be," A femenine voice interjects, making me look up to see the redhead, I looked behind her and Clint avoided my eye contact.

"What the fuck are you three doing here?" I asked.

"It was mom's idea don't blame me and uncle Clint" Taliyah answered for them and she left after she saw Peter enter the compound.

"Killer of my father, what's the plan?" Nat looks at me with a smirk.

"She didn't kill your father, she was the reason why your father died. Biological father." Added by Wanda.

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