𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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I found myself standing outside the compound while the sun sets under the horizon. I watched as Natasha sat in front of her window with a blanket covering her whole body, she looks pale, and sad, and depressed, and unhappy. Okay that's all one. I decided to call her with my burner phone. It rang three times before she finally picked up.

"Hi," I started softly, I heard her sniffle before she said. "Do I know you?" She asked confused.

"No," I answered. "Do I know you?" I asked back and I heard her sigh. "Look I'm not in the mood to talk to strangers right now, so bye."

"Wait!" I half-yelled before she could hang up.

"Yes?" She asked again. It took me a while to say anything until I finally gave in. "How are you?" I asked softly.

"And why would a stranger care about how I'm doing?" She snapped.

"Maybe because... As the saying says 'it's way more easier to open up with a stranger because they wouldn't judge'," I quoted, I looked over to the window and saw her wipe her tears. "Are you crying?" I asked her. "No," she denied as he voice cracked a little.

She took in a deep breath. "I lost someone who is very very important to me," she started. "And I... miss her a lot," she added in between sobs.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," I answered genuinely.

"Don't. It wasn't your fault," she answered. She then took in another deep breath. "I didn't even had the chance to tell her that I love her too," it was like a whisper but I could still hear it.

"Why didn't you tell her when you had the chance?" I asked.

" 'Cause she told me that she moved on, and I- I couldn't face the fact that I haven't moved on," she answered.

Every word that was coming out of her mouth shattered me but at the same time it also pushed me.

"Why don't you tell her now?" I asked and I saw her roll her eyes from afar.

"I already told you that she's dead-"

"What if she isn't," I cut her off as I revealed myself from behind a tree. "What if she's outside?" I saw her furrow her eye brows.

"I mean what would you do if she's outside like right now?" I retort, she was silent for a moment and then.

She sighed. "I would tell her that I love her and that I want to be with her for the rest of my life," she answered as her voice breaks at the last part, my eyes welled up a bit but I didn't let the tears fall.

"I have an idea," I smiled. "Why don't you imagine that I'm her and talk to me, tell me everything you wanted to tell her."

She scoffed. "Are you serious?" I hummed in response. "Mmm-hmm, only if you want to of course," I added, and I heard her release a shaky breath.

"Hey uhm, it's Nat, this is going to be cheesy, but I don't care..." she took in another deep breath and damn I wasn't ready to what I would be hearing. "You jackass! you left me again, and why the fuck would you do that, is it really your thing of leaving everybody behind especially your ex-girlfriend. I really can't with you, you dumbass," she shouts.

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