𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏

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"I would love you in any shape, in any world, with any past.
Never doubt that. "

Tossing and turning in bed was all I did that night, as I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. What do I do? And for the first time, I had no idea what to do, I'm panicking, Taliyah went off the grid, I couldn't locate her anymore, and her tracker seems to be down.

I abruptly hop in my car and drove to triskelion, probably not the best idea but I couldn't care less right now, it's my daughter who we're talking about.

The agents turns their heads on me and scans me as I quickly walked through the halls, making my way to Fury's office. I barged in and I saw him standing, staring out the window.

"The lion finally came out of their den," I could see his smirk, as I just stood there in unease.

"Please, it's not like you haven't been visiting me," I replied. "We've got a problem," I quickly changed the subject along with a serious tone.

"Let me guess," he turns to face me. "She's off the grid," he smirked, and I nodded.

"Yes, and it's not like her," I added.

"Relax, she's just off for twenty-four hours," he leans in on his table. "Unless, you did something," he adds.

I sighed. "I told her the truth, and it pissed her off," He then chuckles.

"And that's on you," he smirks at me before looking behind me. "You got something?" I turn around to notice agent Hill.

"You might want to see this," she informs us, making me look at Fury.


Here I am again, standing in the same room, just like eleven years ago, when I promised myself that I wouldn't be back here, yet I am here.

"Why are you here, again?" Asks Tony who seems a little stressed.

"I'm taking her in," Fury looks at me. "I have a very important mission for all of you-"

"And what? we need her?" Nat spat her words, jaw clenching, adding more weight to the tension.

"Yes," Fury answered plainly, sliding some files on the screen. "This is your objective," Fury then gave them the information, which I already knew, so I stood there avoiding everybody's eye contact.

My thoughts then wandered, deep like a borehole, that every cell in me was thinking. I know Taliyah's a smart girl but I couldn't shake off the feeling that she's in danger, -well-, she can't avoid danger, even considering that she's a fast thinker and has an advanced brain, but she could still be an easy target for HYDRA, come to think of it, if they got her then New York will be in chaos, another Civil War will happen, and no one wants that.

"Nataliya?" Sam smiled in amusement, "Sounds like her name," He points out, looking at Natasha. Something about how he stated it made me slightly smile, feeling a sense of comfort by just the thought that her name sounds like my daughter's.

"Yes," I replied, making Sam smirk.

"Is it just me, or does this NatalNataliya seem to be important to you?" Sam asked and I shook my head with a smile.

"Everyone is important, Sammy," I answered making him roll his eyes at the nickname.

"There is it again," he groans at the nickname, making me slightly chuckle. Fury then clears his throat, as he gestures for me to follow him outside.

"What is it?" I asked quietly only for him to hear.

"They don't know that you two are related, so just act as if Taliyah is just a random girl," he demanded and I nodded. "And be careful, I don't want my best agent to end up six feet under," he added and I smirked.

"Don't worry, I won't," and with that he turns his heels, leaving me in the hallway.

"Ready to explain why you left?" Nat's voice echoed through my ears. God, I missed that voice.

I turn around to face her. "There's nothing to explain," I kept my voice tight, as her eyes narrowed on me. I brushed off her shoulder, making her grab my upper arm and squeeze it, she holds her look at me as if she was threatening me.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked softly, making my jaw clench.

I pushed down the feeling. "No," I yanked my arm away from her.

"Y/n," she warned. "Why?" Her voice was a bit louder than before. "Don't I deserve an explanation?" Her voice cracked a little. I look her straight in the eye, trying to get a read on her.

"Nat," I started. "You should move on, it's been eleven years, besides there are a lot more people out there waiting for you," I replied. It pains me to say those words to her. Words that I knew she wanted to hear.

Her eyes then held emotions. "Did you? Move on?" She asked quietly.

No. I wanted to say it but restrained myself. My breath then hitched. "Yes" I answered and she gives me a small nod.

As the feelings resurface, I felt guilty for leaving her, for not giving her a chance, but if I did, was I able to look her in the eye and pretend as if it wasn't my fault?

"Was it easy?" She asked.

"Yes," I lied, again.

She then turns around and walks away, I watched her walking straight as if I didn't hurt her, but I knew that on the other side of it, she was crying...quietly.

"You had to lie?" Wanda appeared behind my back.

"Was it wrong?" I asked unsurely.

"C'mere," she pulls me in for a hug and tried to comfort me.

I pushed down the emotions. 'Cause in the first place I was here because of one thing - to get Taliyah back - and that's it, nothing's going to happen between me and Natasha Romanoff, we're done, she's just a painful past.

"It was wrong," the witch finally spoke, making me look at her as soon as I pulled away.

"What do you want me to do, then?"

"Tell her the truth," she answered, honestly.

"But what if the truth will devastate her even more?"

"Will it?"

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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