𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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"Spill what?" Wanda looks at me clueless, making me scoff.

"I know damn well that you two are hiding something?!" I yelled.

"Nat," Steve warned me but I ignored him.

"We're not hiding something," Bucky answered this time.

"Oh fuck off Barnes," I hissed, making him sigh.

"Natasha," Steve gritted his teeth as he grips my wrists. "You're making a scene," he added.

"It's none of my concern Rogers," I snap at him, still looking at Bucky and Wanda. "You're going to tell me or what?"

"We already told you, we are not hiding something," Wanda repeats.

"Mom, calm down," I heard Taliyah, and only then I was aware that there's a child in the room, so, I calmed down and left the room.

Your POV

"So, how long am I suppose to hide?" I asked my father as I poured myself a glass of whiskey. "You drink?" I offered but he shook his head.

"Until we know that you're safe," he answered, I sat down in fron of him and said. "That's the problem, I'm never safe," I added, making him scoff and smiled.

"I couldn't agree more," I heard Sam's voice, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"And why are you here, Sammy? Aren't you suppose to be in my funeral," I stated, making him chuckle.

"Your 'funeral' is done because Romanoff almost pulled out a scene... No actually she made a scene," he answered, and as soon as I heard her name I got worried

"By the way, How is she?" I asked, and Steve looks down.

"Bad, like really bad," Sam answered again. I looked at Steve and furrowed my eye brows. "Steve?" I said, making him look at me.

"Don't worry Taliyah is with her and I told her to keep Nat busy, so we could visit you," Steve said, making me sigh in relief.

"My daughter knows I'm alive?" I asked and the two of them nodded.

"Actually," Fury buts in. "Everyone in the compound knows you're alive, except Nat and Thor since he's in Asgard," he added, and I just nodded.

"What?! How the hell did that happen?! It was just supposed to be you three and Wanda," I exclaimed as Fury looks over to the two.

"Well..." Steve started slowly. "Wanda spilled the beans to Vision, Rhodes, and to Talia. Clint heard it when he was in the vents, I don't know why he's there, and Tony saw you lurking around in the camera earlier and he passed it to Bruce." He explained and I sighed in disbelief.

"Where's one arm then?" I asked again, referring to Bucky.

"He couldn't come since Nat is watching his every move same as Wanda," Steve informed, while Sam grabs a drink.

"What can I say she's an assassin of some kind," I sighed and the three of them chuckled.

"So what's the plan?" Sammy asked.

"For now, we finish the mission," Fury then grabs something and showed it to us. Sam widens his eyes. "That's the one who stabbed you right?" I nodded. "Why is she here again?" Sam kept asking questions.

I rolled my eyes. "To kill me."

"Why does she want to kill you?" This time it was Rhodes who asked a question as he takes a seat next to me, I sighed again. "Because-"

"Her parents disowned her and made her life miserable 'cause she got pregnant at the age of eighteen which was Fury's one night stand making him your father, and then after you were born, your mother left you in his doorstep and just disappeared," he finished my sentence, making me shook my head with a smile.

"There you have it," I smirked at Rhodes who just chuckled. "And why are you here?" My father raised an eye brow to Rhodes. "I might know where that mother of yours," Rhodes looks at me.

"You do. Where is she then?"

"Before you get any ideas, you stay here until you are fully healed. We'll take care of this," My father stated, making me lean back to my chair.

"You know, I might die here if you all leave me alone," I wiggled my eye brows to my father and he just shrugged.

"It's okay, nobody's going to look for you anyway. 'Cause in everybody's eyes you are dead," he smirked at me and I made abother eye roll.

"Fine," I gave in which they all smiled proudly. "What should I do here then?" I asked and I knew I'm annoying them.

"You can just drink all the whiskey and wait for it to kill you," Sam suggested.

"Oooor I can just call Natasha," I was about to reach for my phone but my father stopped me.

"No not yet, they can track us here if you did that," He gave me a look and I sighed again.

Gosh I keep sighing.

10 days later

"Can I call her now?" I asked again.

"Nope," Fury answered.

I flop back down to the couch while I look for something to watch. I kept changing the channel which made my father annoyed. "Can't you pick one damn channel," he exclaimed and I just giggled.

"We have her," Sam barge in, panting rapidly, making me look at him.

"That's good, take her to the cell, make sure she can't get loose agin," Fury ordered and Sam nods, I smiled at my father and he nods.

"Thanks," I pecked a kiss on his cheek."C'mon," I pulled my father as we both rushed down to the cells. We were greeted by Steve, Bucky, and Sam.

"Did you kill her?" I asked.

"No but if you want, I'll do the honors," Sam winked at me, making me shook my head with a smile.

We all stood there just watching the lady as she gains consciousness. "So, what're we going to do to her?" Coulson asked, making me look at him.

"I missed you," I smiled at him as he hugs me. "I missed you too," he answered and I giggled. "Where's Maria?" I asked as soon as we both pulled away.

"Upstairs doing some paperworks," he answered. I looked at him amused. "Oh she does those things now," I added and he nods.

"SHIELD will take care of her from now on," Steve informs us.

"That's good then. Oh and Coulson," I called after him to stop him from walking. "If you saw my father, please tell him that i'll be out for a while," I added and he nods again.

"Sure, just don't die," he answered and I smiled at him. "Will do," we bid our goodbyes and he left.

Sam raised his eye brows. "And where are you going?" He asked, I smirked at him. "The less you know the better," I winked at him and I started to walk away.

"Hey! Wanna grab a drink," He shouts after me.

"Sure. Eleven sharp. Compound," I yelled back.

"Eleven p.m?" He asked.

"What? You wanna drink at eleven a.m?" I asked back and he just giggled while Cap shook his head. "You can join if you want old man," I wiggled my eye brows to the both of them as they both chuckled.

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