𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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Natasha's head was resting on my chest while her arms were wrapped around my waist, her breathing was even same to the beat of her heart, her lips were parted a bit and her eyes were closed.

"Do you remember the time when...we would talk about our future life," she started softly, a smile crosses my lips as I remember a memory.

"Yeah...what about it?" I replied and she looks up to face me. She just stared at me for a while before she smiled.

"I still want that to happen," she added. I half-smiled and she sighed. "Close your eyes," she whispered, so I did what she said.

"Imagine," she started. "Having a house on top of a hill," I hummed. "Where the sun shines through the windows every morning," she spoke as if it was true. "We have a dog, and of course a daughter... And every day we would eat breakfast together, watch movies cuddled up next to one another...do stupid things, and just have a normal life..." She paused as she took my hands to her. "And we are both happily married," she finished.

Even if I won't admit it, I like that idea of her and I having a family and a normal life, but, of course there is always a 'but'. But in my case I'm far from that 'life', a life that will always exist in my imaginations, and that sucks.

She gently cupped my face as she sat on top of me. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked softly. I placed my hand on top of hers with my eyes closed I forced a smile.

"Nothing," It was almost like a whisper.

"Why won't you look at me?" She whispered. I took in a deep breath before opening my eyes and met hers. "Are you okay?"

"Mmm, I'm good, you?" I forced another smile but she quickly noticed that I was faking it.

"Did I say something wrong?" She furrowed her eye brows, I wrap my arms around her waist and I look straight to her emerald eyes.

"It's just that," I hesitated as I took in a deep breath. "I don't think that's a life for someone like me," I stated, making her brows furrow even more.

"What do you mean?"

"Natasha, my life isn't what its like eleven years ago, many things change, even —"

"Even your love for me changed?" She cuts me off, making me shut my mouth.

No. I wanted to say but something caught my eye, I quickly let go of her as my eyes darted to the door as shadows passes through underneath it where you can see a little light.

"What is it?" The redhead must've noticed it and I quickly stood up while holding my gun. "Put on your clothes," I command her 'cause she was fully naked.

"Why?" She asked, I turn to look at her and admire once more her stunning body, she smirked at me as my eyes danced up and down. "Just put on some clothes..." I turn around once more. "I don't want anyone to see you like that... It's for my eyes only," I mumbled the last part but she still heard it, she came next to me and kissed my cheeks, making me blush. "Yes, mommy," she whispered near my ear, sending shivers to my whole body.

I ignored her and made my way out of the room with her following behind me.

I stopped walking as my eyes landed to my daughter who is being held by two agents on both of her side, and of course Fury was there too. "What's the meaning of this?" I looked at him.

"We're taking her to a safer place," the one eyed man answered.

"By putting handcuffs on her?" I raised my eye brows, and he made an eye roll. "Is she a criminal now?"

"Ma, it's okay," the little redhead buts in.

"Talia shut your mouth," I snap at her. The two agents keeps checking me out and Fury was looking down to my legs, Natasha then glanced down too, and only then, I realized that I was only wearing my boxers.

Nat cleared her throat and all eyes were on her. "Where are you taking her?" She asked and looked down to her daughter.

Natasha's POV

I moved closer to y/n, so I could hold her wrists that was holding the gun.

"SHIELD. We'll keep her there for the meantime," He answered, making y/n roll her eyes.

"Fury you know what she feels about being locked up," Y/n started again.

"Ma, it's okay, I'll be fine besides he's my grandfather," Taliyah stated, making Y/n glares at her and Fury cleared his throat. I looked at the both of them.

"It's not that necessary," y/n argued, and took a hold of our daughter.

"Y/n let go of her," Fury looks at y/n

"No. I have a right to hold her," she clenched her jaw.

I watched both of them as they started to throw words back and forth until something unexpected came out. "Dad!" Y/n shouts. "She's my daughter I can protect her."

"You can't, y/n," Fury's voice was calm. "I know you're her mother, but I'm her grandfather too, and I have a duty to protect her, a thing that you couldn't do for Natsha's father!" He exclaimed. Y/n then walks up to Fury and looked at him.

"Don't mention his name," her voice was cold. They both stared for about a minute until I went inbetween them.

"Stop both of you," I faced Fury. "You can take Taliyah, but make sure to treat her right and I want Coulson to look after her." I added, and Fury nodded his head before leaving.

Y/n walks off, leaving me there. She probably hates me again. I thought and followed her to her room.

I made my way in and I saw her wearing her suit. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going after her," I stopped her from walking.

"No, we'll go see her tomorrow, for now let's take a rest, okay?" I said softly. She thought about it and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, only because I wanna cuddle with you," she pushed me on the bed her on top of me and she cuddled next to me.

She wrapped her arms around me and her head rested on my chest, I started to stroke her hair as she relaxed to my touch.

"I still can't believe that Fury is your father. I mean how? I stated, making her chuckle.

"That's for tomorrow, for now let's take a rest, okay?" She repeats my words and buried her face on my boobs. "Their so soft," she groaned.


"Mmm-hmm, it's also squeezable," she squeezed my boobs hard. "Y/n," I moaned to the feeling and she just smirked, she drops small kisses before sucking them again.

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