𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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"Okay no, I'm not doing this thing," I stated reluctantly, making all of them turn their heads to face me.

"Why, what's wrong?" Steve asked.

I took in a deep breath. "Isn't it better if I do this alone?... I mean c'mon I handled it before," I shrugged.

"As far as I know you didn't manage to handle it, that's why we're here in the first place," Tony added, making me roll my eyes.

"I just didn't found his body, and now you think I can't handle it?" I deadpanned, making everyone piss off.

"It's not that you didn't found his body, y/n. " Fury started. "You almost died because of it," he finished.

Everyone then widens their eyes as they all looked at me, the redhead has her eyebrows furrowed with her jaw clenched while looking at me dead in the eye.

"Thanks for mentioning, Nick," I sarcastically remarked as he lowered his head. I made my way out of the meeting room with anger coursing through my veins.

I pushed the door open, slamming its way to the wall. I started packing my bags in a hurry since I didn't want anyone to talk me out of it, but I was wrong.

"What's going on?" The redheads voice appeared as she stood in my door way, though I didn't look up.

"I'm leaving," I carried my duffle bag but she wouldn't let me pass. "Natasha move out of the way," I still didn't look at her.

"I won't," she firmly replied as she crossed her arms on her chest. "You're not leaving," it was almost like a whisper. I look up to meet her gaze, and I regret doing it, she was on the verge of tears and my heart shattered as she tries to put on a straight face.

"I have to, it's not safe if I'm here." I started. "Now please, Natasha, let me walk through," I added softly and she looks away. I brushed off her shoulder but Natasha's grip tightens on my upper arm, making me look back.

She shook her head. "You're not leaving Y/n. Not when I have you back. I won't let you leave. I don't do the same mistakes," She whispered softly but firmly.


"No!" Her emerald green eyes narrowed as she stares at me, although I knew they were soft and filled with so much pain, anger, and love.

"You're not leaving," once again her voice cracked at the end, pulling me even closer to her. "Please," she pleaded while wrapping her arms around my waist as she buries her face on the crook of my neck.


"Y/n please," she cried. "Don't leave me again. I don't think I can get through it," she sniffles as she hugs me even more. It breaks me to see her like this and it's even harder for me to leave, but even though I want to stay, I can't, she'll be in more danger if she's close to me and I can't risk that.

I pulled away, cupping her face as I gently wiped away her tears. "I can't and I'm sorry," I took in a deep breath. "I'll be back Natasha, I promise you that," I pressed my forehead against hers.

"The last time you promised it ended up for eleven years," she breathed. I smiled sadly.

"I know."

"No! My decision is final, I'm not letting you walk out of this compound," she added as she puts handcuffs on my hands.

"Nat, take them off!" I whined and she just glares at me.

"I'm not taking them off, you're way too stubborn," she drags me out of my room and made our way to the elevator.

"Natasha! I said take them off," I started pulling it as I winced in pain.

She furrowed her eye brows. "Stop doing that," she commands as she holds both of my hands, I kept on shaking it as she gets more piss off. But then, I stopped shaking them as she pressed her lips on mine. "If you don't stop, I'll keep kissing you," she added, inbetween kisses.

I won't stop then.

The kiss got more heated as she pins me on the cold wall, taking full control of my body, her hands roamed up and down on my ass, while the other find it's way to my hair. My hands were playing on the hem of her shirt, unable to touch her.

I groaned as I felt her warm lips pull away and she grinned. I pouted a bit as I trace my fingers on my lips, she then raised an eye brow. "Not bad," she stated before walking out of the elevator, I followed behind her, but my head was still plastered to that kiss, so, I grab her wrists, turning her around, I pushed her all the way to another room, pinning her behind the door.

I started kissing her, and she groaned softly, her hands found their way to my hair and she gripped it, tight. All that made me kiss her jaw down to her neck, sucking, biting, licking. She stifled her moans and whimpers, enjoying every bite, as she throws her head back, giving me better access to her neck.

"Y/n..." She moaned

"Giving up already?" I smirked while sucking her soft skin, making her moan again.

"S.... Stop.... Y/n.... Uh," she whimpers.

I raised my eye brows. "That's not my name," I teased her. Her eyes were still close but she managed to say, "Mommy," she moaned.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I need you... I want you," she breathed.

I grinned. "Nothing will happen if this things are on," I showed her my cuffs and without any word she quickly unlocked it and throws it around like it was nothing. "Say it again," I added, she blushed.

"Mommy... I want you," she begged.

"Where?" I asked seductively, whispering between her mouth.

"Inside me," she breathed, again with her eyes locked on mine.

"Your wish is my command," I carried her effortlessly, wrapping her legs around my waist.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

A/N: I don't friggin know what happened to this chapter LMAO. It wasn't suppose to be like this, but here it is, just enjoy that little bit of, smuttiness. It's not fully a smut but whatevaaaa

Peace y'all ✌

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