𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Your POV

"You're not okay," Steve started again for the tenth time since we got back from the mission.

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch," I glared at him.

My right leg was covered with blood due to the stainless steel that was planted on my lap and Wanda puts a preassure on it to slow down the bleeding.

"Nat is going to kill me," Steve mumbled looking like he's going to pass out, I quickly looked at him and I winced a bit from my sudden movements.

"What did you just say?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"She told me to bring you back without any scratch and...that's far from a 'scratch'," he stated, making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever," Wanda then pressed my wound making me hiss. "Son of a bickering hotdog!" I yelled and she just eyed me. "What was that for?" I lowered my voice, making her raise her eye brows.

"Don't act like you don't find it sweet," she answered.

"No, it's not," I denied, but she just keeps glaring at me. I just ignored her.

Why would Natasha say that? Does that mean she remembers me? No, that can't be. Stop thinking y/n.


Thirty minutes later Thor was carrying me on a bridal style, since I couldn't walk. I was getting exhausted as my eye lids were getting heavy.

"She lost thirty-seven percent of her blood," I heard Dr. Cho said while Thor puts me down on the medical bed.

"Is that a bad thing?" Steve asked worriedly. I tilt me head to the side and I saw the redhead standing behind the clear glass, staring at my legs.

"Yes. If a person loses fourty percent of its blood then they would die," Dr. Cho answered.

"You can save her right," Wanda looks at the Dr. And at this point they were putting some wires on my hands. They kept on talking but I couldn't hear anything, my sight were getting blurry every minute and finally the redhead meets my eyes.

Her eyes were red from crying, same as her nose, I giggled. I don't know why but she looks stupid when cries, stupid but cute. She noticed that I was smiling, making her furrow her eye brows, I weakly showed her my middle finger and she gasps, that only made my smile grew, seconds later I was coughing blood. The Dr. quickly helped me.

"She's flatlining," she shouts but I smirked.

This is a much less cool way to die.

Natasha's POV

The beeping on her monitor just got more worse every second, but y/n was smiling, as if she was okay to die.

What if she is?
She can't die.
At least not yet.

"She won't," Fury's voice was low and he was standing beside me. "I know, she won't" he added shortly after.

I looked at him and saw that he has been crying. "Did you-,"

"Yes, Romanoff. I did cry. She's my only daughter. She's worth the tears," He whispered and I smiled a bit. "But you saw nothing, agent, not even these tears," he warned.

"You don't have to, it's obvious," Tony buts in and Fury made an eye roll.

"By the way, Stark, that suit you gave her doesn't work. AT ALL." I stated, making him look at me.

"Now, look who cares," he snorted.

"Watch your tone, Stark," I warned, but he just rolled his eyes.

"You think I don't know about your 'post-traumatic' litte thing. I have eyes and ears everywhere Romanoff," He glared at me and so did I.

"Shut up, Tony," I gritted my teeth, we both stood there glaring at each other untill Fury comes between us.

"You did what?" He asks me, but I just looked away.

"Yeah Nat, why don't you tell us what you did," Tony mocks, making everyone looks at me.

"Natasha," Bruce warned, I looked at him and he looks confused.

"I lied, okay, I get it, you all hate me, but I just did it because," I hesitated. "Because I wanted to know why she broke up with me," I finished, Fury then looks at me with a suspicious look.

"And what did she told you?" He asked.

"That she saw me fucking someone else," I cringe to that word. Fury then let out a breath that he was holding.

"Nothing else?" He asked, I looked at him skeptically before shaking my head no.

"Sir," Agent Hill barge in while panting. "It's Nataliyah," she added, Fury then looks at y/n then back at me.

"Shit," he mumbled, before he swiftly ran out of the room, to find Taliyah, I followed after him, as we both enter Taliyah's bedroom.

"Taliyah," Fury started softly. The little redhead then looks at us, breathing heavily, her room was in chaos and everything was broken down. "Calm down," he added, as he steps closer.

Talia then looks at me and her gaze softens, Fury then signaled me to take care of her, I hesitated for a bit, before approaching the little redhead. I crouched down in front of her and I softly smiled. "It's okay little one, I'm here," I gently rub my thumbs on her small knee, and she smiled weakly.

She abruptly hugged me which made me jump a bit but I hugged her back, Fury then looks at us smiling.

"You really are her mother," he stated which made my eyes go wide, he noticed what he said. "I mean-,"

"What?" Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked at Fury, "I'm her what?" I repeated, Taliyah then pulls away and looks at Fury with a disappointed look.

"You are so dead," Taliyah stated and and sighed. I looked at her but she shook her head. "I can't tell you," she added.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

She pursed her lips and looks at Fury who just glared at her. "It's not my place to tell you," she looks back at me.

"Then who is?" I asked again and she hesitated for a bit.

"Y/n," Fury answered for her. I looked to the both of them and they both had the same expression.

"Don't tell her that I slipped. She might kill me," Fury added again firmly.

"And don't tell me either, just make an excuse or something. She might disown me," she stated, making me look at her.

"She won't disown you," I replied, she then looks back to me.

"How can you be so sure," She raised an eye brow.

"I won't let her disown our daughter," I finished.

"And what about me?" Fury asked and I just made an eye roll.

"You're not my daughter nor my son," I answered and made my way out.

She better have a good explanation for this.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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