𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟑

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Your POV

It was about eight in the morning when Fury called me in to one of the interrogation rooms in the compound. I swiftly run down on the halls, as if I was being chased, and the agents were looking at me since I was just wearing my sleepwear.

A few minutes later I was approached by Fury, stopping me, as he held his hands in front of me. "How is she?" I asked while panting.

"Will you calm down--," he got cut off by a loud scream, making me shot a look on him, he pursed his lips, making me roll my eyes.

"For fucks sake," I hissed as I briefly entered the room where she was, with two unimportant agent.

"Get out," I calmly said, but they didn't move. "I said. Get out!" I yelled and they quickly left the room. I took in deep breaths before facing my daughter whose hands are tied up on the chair.

I sat opposite her and I smiled. "Hey," Starting softly was always the key to make a person open up, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, is that okay?" I asked, waiting for her to reply but she just nodded her head. "Does anything hurts?" She shook her head. "How are you feeling?"

She finally looks at me this time, but with a grimace. "I'm fine," she answered coldly, and from that moment, I knew something was off.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked, testing her.

"Prisoner 56899," she answered, I looked over to the camera with my jaw clenched knowing that everybody is watching us.

"Are you surr?" I replied, but she was still emotionless. I walked near her and I crouched down, so I could level up at her as I looked directly into her eyes.

Natasha's POV

"What is she doing?" I look at Fury who has an amused look, as if he wasn't giving a shit to anything. "Fury, wha-"

"Romanoff," he cuts me off with a warning, making me scoff. So, I just looked back at the screen, still confused as to why he's so calm about this.

"Sir," Agent Hill's voice came from behind, but I didn't turn to look at her, nor Fury.

"Y/n's daugh-," She cut off herself and cleared her throat. "I mean, Nataliyah," she corrects. I was about to interject but then someone started screaming.

Your POV

She was now trying to get loose, making me swiftly held her in my arms. "Taliyah," I said in a whispered manner.

"Ma, I'm scared," she admitted, eyes getting foggy as her lips trembled.

"It's okay, I'm here now." She still keeps resisting, so I held her tighter. "You'll be fine. Just answer the questions, peanut." I kissed her other side of the cheek so no one would see.

"You ready?" I assured her and she nods. I smiled at her one more time, pulling back from the hug, and took in a deep breath.

"Can you tell me your name?" I repeat again and she finally thinks for a moment.

"Nataliyah," she replied. I smiled.

"How old are you?" Again she took a longer time to answer.


"Where are you from?"


I glared at her. "Try again, where are you from?"

"Br - Brooklyn."

I kept on asking her questions that we usually do everyday just incase something happened like this. And it did, but thankfully she knows what she's doing, I guess training her didn't go to waste.

I finally stood up as soon as I noticed that she was bleeding. I came out of the room greeted by a smiling one-eyed-man, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't do that," I furrowed my eye brows, walking past him, nonchalantly snatching the keys to one of the agents. "I'll take her from here," I added.

Even thought I know they wouldn't agree, I still did what I had to.

Fury and everyone else watches me as I take my daughter out of the room and none of them made any sound. Just stared.

We both arrived to the medical bay, and I sat her down on the bed. Natasha then comes is, crossing her arms on her chest, as she watches me.

Nat's POV

I watched y/n took care of the little girl as if she was hers, and the whole time y/n keeps avoiding my eye contact.

A few moments later a doctor came in but y/n refuses the help, which made me ask a lot more question.

I furrowed my eye brows before clearing my throat, and I got the little girl's attention, she looks back to
y/n and she nods.

"You're Natasha, right?" She asked, and I nodded.

"And how did you know that?" I sat down on the chair facing both of them.

"Oh c'mon, everyone knows who you are," she replied, making me raise my eye brow.

Y/n then again didn't make any sound as if she wasn't in the room with us, her face was a bit pale, and the kid seems to noticed it too. "Ma."

She waves off her hand in front of y/n. "Wa - what is it?" she stuttered. I slowly reach for her hand but she pulls it away.

"You zoned out... Have you stopped your meds?" The girl asked.

My eyes flickers to the both of them, waiting for someone to explain, y/n just stared at me making up something to say.

She cleared her throat. "I'll be back," y/n stood up and left the room, the girl then was looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Now's your chance," she started.

"Chance for what?" I asked confused and she giggled.

"Go after her, I know you want to, besides, I think she needs you," she added, and bop on my nose like I was a little kid. I smiled, then I stood up and catch up after y/n.

We both walked side by side silently before I decided to break the ice. "Can I talk to you?" I started, making her look at me.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" She asked with a blank look on her face, I furrowed my eye brows.

I stepped closer without breaking my stare. "I'm sorry," I quietly said, making her smile a bit.

"There's nothing to be sorry for," I studied her features, closely, taking every part and glued them on my head, like I used to do.

Your POV

She has been staring for about five minutes and I haven't moved a single muscle, I was liking it, enjoying it even, as I did the same to her, just stared at her.

Damn, those eyes.

My heart and my head were debating wether to kiss her or not, to let her in again. But as always my head wins, I never know how to listen to my heart because in my head, it knows everything, my head is always right no matter the circumstances were. Head always wins.

Our lips then touched by the split second, the softness of her lips gliding against mine smoothly, as her hand cups my cheeks and gently rubs her thumb, butterflies flutter again as if they were being called.

I pushed her gently on her chest, pulling her away from me. "No" I mumbled, making her furrow her eye brows.

"What do you mean 'no' " she asked, I kept my hand on her chest so she you wouldn't step any closer.

I shook my head. "You - we can't Nat" I answered before walking away, knowing that I hurt her again.

"Is... Is there someone else?" She asked, I pressed both of my lips.

─━ ⑅ ⴵ ⑅ ━─

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