𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟗

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"Don't act like you don't know," I stated and she sighed, I kept my eyes on the ceiling not wanting the tears to fall.

"Maybe they just kissed or something," she added, I finally looked at the witch.

I scoffed, "I doubt that," Wanda then stopped and looked at me.

"What did you tell her when you broke up?" She started. "Like what was the lie that you told her?"

I shook my head. "None. I didn't tell her anything, infact we didn't even talk."

She furrowed her eye brows. "You mean you just left?" I nodded. "Without anything, a reason why, even just for a lie?" I shook my head.

"I couldn't tell her, so, I just left without saying a word or anything, I didn't even say 'we should broke up'. Notghing like that, I just disappeared from her life," I answered.

"That's why she was so hooked up on you," it was almost like a whisper.

"Yeah, I mean what was I suppose to say, like: 'I left you 'cause I saw you fucking someone else, because you cheated on me'. Ah hell no, that's a dumb reason" I shook my head again. "Hell, I don't even know why I love her after all that."

"You still love her," Wanda widened her eyes.

"You saw me doing what?" Another voice appeared, I look at my right and I saw Natasha standing there wearing her normal black tanktop and pants.

I looked back to Wanda. "What? No. I said loved, not love," I finished and started walking away again.

"What about Nat?" Wanda shouts after me but I just ignored her.


I was sitting outside the compound just watching the stars do their own thing.

I'm tired. My eyelids were getting havier by second but I didn't want to close it, I didn't want to sleep, I don't know why but I just don't want to, I just have this feeling that just wants to seat alone in peace.

But that peace got interrupted by a friggin phone call, so, I pick it up. Natasha.

"Why are you calling?" My voice was cold, as I don't want to talk to her.

"Uhm, Ma'am I'm so soryy, but is this y/n?" A woman asked.

"Uh, yes, why?" I asked back

"Uhm, Natasha here is throwing a tantrum to my costumers and she's scaring them away, you're her emergency contact so I called you," she explained

I sighed. "Is she drunk?"


"Send me her loacation please."

I hop on my car and drove to the club where she is. Thirty minutes later, I arrived and made my way in, the guard didn't check my ID as he just rushed me in.

I saw Natasha in the middle of the crowd while holding her gun on her hand, other people were leaving while the others just stayed there shocked. I approached her and just stood there while I'm facing her back, she finally spun around and her eyes were swollen, she blinked rapidly and smiled.

"Hi," *hiccup* she made a goofy smile and I just rolled my eyes. I took her gun and put it behind my pants, I grab her forearm and before leaving I left a money for all the mess she did.

I put her inside the car, passenger seat and put her seatbelts on, I made my way to the other side and started driving. She was staring at me, but I didn't glance at her, not even once. She was about to open her mouth but,

"Don't even start," I warned her and she raised an eye brow.

"Why are y-,"


She smirked. "You could at least told me that..."

"Ah ah ah ah, I'm not listening," I halfed yelled, making her roll her eyes with a smile.

Not even ten seconds, she quickly grab the wheels and  started to turn the car around. "Nat!" I yelled but she didn't stop, we almost hit a car, almost, instead we crashed on the side of the road and only then she let go of the wheels. "Are you out of your mind?!!" I yelled at her but she didn't talk.

She then grab my collar, pulling me closer and before I knew it her lips were pressed against mine, she kissed me hungrily, but I didn't kissed back. "Stop," but she didn't. "Natasha," I mumbled in between kisses but she didn't let go of me, so I did something I would regret.

"Fuck," I cursed, I quickly put preassure on her head and started dialing 911. My hands were covered in blood and I was trembling.

"Hello? This is 911, how may I help you?" A lady asked.

"I-I, I got a woman.... B-bleeding.... T-theres s-so much blood," I was panicking and my voice were trembling, my eyes were filled with tears and I was breathing so fast.

"Maam, calm down, breathe," I did what she told me, and I got my breathing to normal. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked softly, I told her what happened, everything. "Maam, just put preassure on her head and stay on the line, the help is on its way," she replied.

I waited for about five minutes, until the ambulance arrived, they took her, while the others assisted me, and asked more questions.


After a while Wanda arrives and she runs towards me.
"What happened?" she was panting, and I just went in and embraced her, ignoring her question, I buried my face on her shoulders and I just cried. "Shhh," she softly rubs my back.

"I-It was my fault," I cried. "I hit her head and I-,"

"Shh, it's okay, it's gonna be okay," she reassures me.

Wanda, Steve, and Thor, took me back to the compound and they also took Natasha since Dr. Cho was there.

Taliyah was waiting in my bed with a sad look on her face, I just hug her tightly without saying any words.
"Don't worry, ma, I'm sure mommy will be okay, I know she will," she started softly, it made me smile to the fact that she called Natasha mommy and it's only right since she is her mother. I pulled away and cupped her face.

"What did you say?" I tilt my head.

"I said mommy, it's okay to call her that right?" She answered and I smiled again.

"Of course, you can call her mommy, just don't shout it at three a.m, okay," I wiggled my eye brows but she looks at me confused. Her innocent ass doesn't know what I just said.

"What does that suppose to mean?" She asked, making me giggle.

"It's best if you don't know."

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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