𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟕

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Your POV

I woke up with a heavy weight on top of me, I adjusted my sight until I got a clear look on the person that was hovering on top of me. I abruptly stood up from the bed and Natasha fell on her back to the floor, she groans.

"What the actual fuck are you doing in my room?!" I almost yelled. I stood there waiting for her to response. I was cold. Weird.

"Excuse you, you're the one who's in my room," she replied before flopping down to her bed, I looked aground me and it is, I'm in Natasha's room, but how?

"How am I here?" I asked.

"You passed out, your room is locked, so, I took you here," she answered bored.

"And how did you end up on top of me?" I asked, she didn't reply for a long time, making me turn around to leave.

"I'm not sorry for it, you were actually comfy, so it wasn't my fault," she added, which made me blush.

"So now it's my fault because I'm comfy," the words suddenly slipped off my mouth.

"Yea and I missed having you in my bed," I didn't look back but I knew she was smirking, so, without any word, I left her room.

Natasha's POV

After an hour, I took a shower and put on my training clothes, I walk out of my room, and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, and on my way there I heard soft giggles - familiar soft giggles. I stopped on my tracks and peeked my head to the corner of the hallway.

"Stop teasing me," she playfully slapped the guys hand that was on her hips.

After a few minutes they both parted away, making me fully see their faces, my heart then skipped a beat and I was right, it was her and Steve.

I then pushed down the feeling and walked passed them, acting like I didn't saw anything, I heard y/n laugh but I just ignored it.

Your POV

"You know before you kiss a girl, you should be gentle but make it rough just a little," I traced my fingers on his lips and Iooked at him seductively.

He blushed. "If you aren't gay, I would probably date you," he answered, making me shook my head with a smile.

"Your loss, Stevie," I winked at him before escaping from his arms that was wrapped around my waist.

"The kiss was excellent, Rogers. I know Sharon will like it," I smirked at him and he smiled at me.

"I hope so, and thanks for the practice," he said before waving me off.

We both made our saparate ways, making my way to the kitchen. Wanda was cooking something, so, I went behind her and placed my chin on her shoulders. "Whats cookin'?" I asked, making her giggle.

"Uh, I believe she aren't comfortable in that position," Vision interjects, I looked at him and has unease look on his face.

"Ooh, is that jealousy, Vis," I made a smug look making him more uncomfortable. "Relax redbot, I won't steal your girlfriend from you," I sat next to him and wiggled my eye brows, and he smiled weakly.

"Why are you so cocky today?" The witch stated as she joins us on the table.

"I don't really know," I replied while scrubbing my temple, Vision then looks at me with a confused look.

"I'm sorry, but what is redbot?" He asked, making me laugh.

"Red plus robot. Redbot," Iexplained and he hummed. Wanda then looks at me with a sad expression.

"What is it?" I asked her and she looks at me.

"Look," she whispered and I followed her eyeline which lands to the redhead who had her eyes norrowed on me, but as soon as our eyes met, she looked away.

I shrugged. "Don't worry, she's fine...I think," I muttered the last part and Wanda looks at me skeptically.

But, before she could make any remarks, my daughter came in with a smile on her face. "Good morning, beautiful," I greeted and she sat next to me.

"Morning, ma," she smiled. Wanda and I shared a look.

"Someone's happy today," I point out and she looks at me, a little ashamed. "It's fine, you can say it," I added, she then scoot next to me, making Vision and Wanda leans in.

"I'm going to train with Peter," she said excitedly.

"Are you sure?" I asked her concerned, and she nods.

"I am," she answered honestly, I then peck a kiss on top of her head, before waving her off.

"You really are going to let her train with Peter?" Wanda stated, and I nodded.

"Yes, I know she can take him," I replied confidently.

"But she's just eleven," Natasha buts in, making us look at her.

"You were even younger, Nat," I replied and she looks at me confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked before the two can make a statement.

I shook my head. "Nothing, just forget I said something," I avoided their eyes and made my way somewhere else.

Nat's POV

I enter the firing range and I heard gunshots that echoed through the room. I walked slowly not wanting to scare away who ever it was, and to my surprise, Talia was the one who was shooting.

"Who told you that you can hold a gun?" I asked, she then looks my way and smiled politely.

"My mama said it's okay, she said its quite alright," she shrugged it off before going back to shooting, I went next to her and saw that all her shots was perfect. Her stance was on the right places, and it reminded me of one person - her.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" I asked.

"My mother taught me," she answered plainly. It got me even more curious.

"Since when?" I pull out my gun from my holster.

"When I was four," she proudly shoot another.

You were even younger. It felt like a voice whispered making me shiver. I shook it off.

"This mothet of yours, what's her name?" I finally asked but before Taliyah could reply, Peter enters and calls out for her.

"I'll talk to you later," she smiled again before she left with Peter.

Not even one minute later when y/n came in asking for Talia. "Did she came in here?" She aksed.

"Yea, she just left," I answered coldly, making her raise an eyebrow. "What?" I esclaimed.

"Nothing, you seem tensed up," she keeps on looking at me, making me look at her.

"Why'd you kiss him?" I had to ask, I couldn't take it anymore. She paused for a moment before answering.

"Kiss who?" She asked innocently, making me roll my eyes. "Oh, Steve," she chuckled. "He practiced on me," she added, making me sigh, but still a bit suspicious.


"Why, you jealous?" she smirked at me, and I tried to hide my blush.

"No," I denied.

"Why did you do it?" She asked after a moment of silence. I looked at her only to see a pained expression.

"What?" I furrowed my eye brows and she forced a smile.

"Nothing, forget I asked anything," again she gives me a fake smile before turning away from me.

Did I do something wrong?

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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