𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟔

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Natasha's POV

I followed behind her as we both enter a library, I wanted to ask her why, but I kept my mouth shut, she picks out a pocket book and started to flick through the pages, but little did I know that it was a secret box that was just covered with paper to look like a book. She pulled out a small cup and poured about ten pills on her hand and she quickly swallowed it. I frowned. Her body seemed to be more relax than she was back in the compound. She looks over her shoulders and smirked.

"Welcome to my humble abode," she said while kicking the wall that was actually a door. (It's the same with the movie Gunpowder Milkshake).

She hands me a glass of red wine as she made her way to another room. I explored the place and saw about ten to twelve different bookshelves and a few pictures of her and... Taliyah.

Why does she have a picture with Taliyah?

"Yeah I know," y/n spoke behind me while carrying her duffle bag and on the other was now a beer. I looked at her with my furrowed eye brows as she  drinks. "What?" She asked.

"Are you drunk?" I asked and she laughed but I didn't.

"Oh you're serious," she giggles. "No, I'm not," she answered before walking away again.

"Why is she-," She cuts me off placing her hand infront of me, making me stop from walking. "What the hell-,"

"Shhh," she cuts me off again and she turns around to face me, her face was curious or was it worried or concerned. She looks away again.

"Oh shit," she cursed as she goes behind me wrapping her hands on my waist and we both fell on the floor with her on top of me. The gun fired non stop and she was still hovering over me, like a humanshield. It made me...smile. At that time being, I studied her expression and it seems like she has a lot going on her mind. She was high.

She started to crawl off of me without saying any word, so, I just followed behind her. "Where are we trying to get to?" I asked.

"Back door," she replied, she then brings out another book and slide it infront of me.

The Black Widow  ⴵ

Was written on the cover along with my hourglass, I glance at her, raising my eye brow. "It's inside" she answered and I rolled my eyes. I open the book and there was a gun placed in it - a duplicate of mine, originally made by her. "C'mon," she grabs my wrist and we both started running


"Ah!, get off me," y/n slaps away my hand away.

"You're fucking bleeding!" I shout back, as she stepped more into the gas, as if we were on a racing car. Her jacket was now soaked by her own blood and she keeps insisting to my offer. Once again, I quickly rip her jacket apart, giving me access to her wounded torso. She winced.

"I said - AAHHHH!" She screams in pain as I put preassure on her, she glared at me and so did I. "Natasha," she winced again as she turns the wheel to the left, stretching out her wounded torso.

"Will you slow down! No one's following us!" I yelled back but she just ignores me.

About thirty-minutes later we ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. I finally manage to settle her down and to clean her wound. She sat down on the passenger seat and rested her head to the car seat, closing her eyes. "I'm hungry," she growls, making me scoff.

"It was your idea to bring us here and now you're going to complain," I replied and stood up from the ground.

"It wasn't my fault that we ran out of gas," she answered, I didn't replied back as I made my way to the drivers seat, reaching for my phone. "It's no use, there's no cell site here" she added, standing up from her seat with her duffle bag on her left hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To find some civilization," she yelled back, making me sigh.

"In the middle of the night?"

"Mmm-hmm, unless you want to starve there 'till death, or be strucked by a lightning, who knows," she shrugs while walking backwards so she could face me.

We walked.

Side by side.

Me behind her.

Her behind me.

"I think I'm gonna pass out," she said, making me look back only to see her face pale, with her hands on her knees.

"Jesus this woman is my death," I muttered to myself before walking back to help her. 

She yawned before I pick her up, putting her over my shoulder with her hanging upside down, still carrying her duffle bag. "I feel sick in this position" she whined and softly giggles.

Whatever that pill she took earlier, it somehow made her high - like very high.

A few moments later a black SUV accompanies us. The black tinted window rolls down, revealing Coulson with a huge smirk. "Need a ride?"

"Yeah, you got one?"

"Sure, hop in."

I put down a sleepy woman on the backseat, leaving her there but she pulls the hem of my shirt. "Don't leave me please" she whispered as if she was having a dream, so, I sat down beside her and placed her head on my lap. Coulson looks on the rear-view mirror and I nodded.

I look back down to y/n who is sleeping peacefully. I gently stroke her hair, enjoying the moment as I know that all of this will be over tomorrow.

"Still care, I see," Coulson smirked at me through the rear-view mirror.

"I always do," I replied quietly while he gives me a smile along with a thumbs up.

"Then, make it right this time," he added, as if giving me an advice of something he haven't experienced himself.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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