Chapter 10

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Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mrs. Manoban was busy preparing a sumptuous dinner, cooking various dishes, including Lisa's favorite Thai food. The aroma of lemongrass and spices filled the air, a comforting reminder of home and family.

Back in the living room, Bambam broke the silence, his voice trembling slightly. "Lisa, I can't believe you have a child. I mean, when did this happen? How did this happen?"

Lisa sighed, her heart heavy with the weight of the conversation she had been dreading. "It's a long story, Bambam," she said quietly. "Lithan is three years old now. I didn't tell many people because it was complicated, and I was trying to protect him."

Bambam shook his head, still struggling to grasp the reality. "But why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends? We've been looking for you for four years, but there's been no clue where you went," he said with genuine concern.

Lisa looked down at her hands, feeling a wave of guilt and sadness. "I know, but things changed so quickly. I didn't want to burden you with my problems, especially when you had your own life to live."

Bambam's eyes softened with a mix of concern and frustration. "Lisa, you were never a burden to me. I can't believe you went through all of this alone. You should have trusted me."

She met his gaze, her own eyes filled with unshed tears. "With all the hardships I've been through, I've learned not to trust anyone except myself."

Bambam fell silent for a moment, his eyes darting away, embarrassment washing over him as he remembered the past. In his mind, a whirlwind of questions swirled, but his conscience held him back. He finally found the courage to ask, "Why didn't you come to my wedding?"

Lisa smiled, a mixture of emotions in her eyes, and attempted to steer away from the topic. "Why did you come here, anyway?"

Bambam looked at her with a sense of desperation. "Dude, I've been back here for a few years, hoping to see you. I thought you were overseas, and Auntie didn't mention anything about you either," he confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of the years that had passed.

Lisa avoided his question, choosing to shift the conversation. "So, how's Seulgi?" she asked, trying to keep things light for the moment.

"She's getting married to Irene next year," Bambam quickly responded, noticing Lisa's attempt to steer the conversation.

"That doesn't surprise me anymore. I know she was really in love with Irene since then," Lisa said, smiling genuinely, reminiscing about their shared memories together.

"Do you have no plans to return to Korea?" Bambam asked suddenly, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"I don't know," Lisa replied with uncertainty.

"And Hyeong, your son? He's growing up, Lisa. Don't you have any plans to introduce him?" Bambam asked eagerly, wanting to know her answer.

"The food is ready!" Mrs. Manoban shouted from the kitchen, interrupting their conversation.

Lisa stood up from her seat, patting Bambam's shoulder. "Let's eat first," she said, before proceeding to the kitchen to help her mother. The aroma of the delicious food momentarily lifted the heavy atmosphere, reminding them both of the comforts of home and the possibility of healing old wounds.

_ _ _

Jennie was busy packing her things, eager to get home and hoping to catch Hyeong awake. Just as she was about to finish, her phone rang, displaying her husband's name on the screen. She quickly answered, "I'm going home, I just fixed my stuff."

Jennie slung the phone between her shoulders while putting her belongings in her bag.

Jiyong's voice came from the other end, "You need help?"

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