Chapter 8: Her Obi-Wan

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***Side Note, You can read up to chapter 12 on Inkitt! I am Updating this book more actively than the others on Inkitt but I honestly forgot I published this book on this app***


Walking through the college halls wasn't bad. If you ignore the smell of weed and cigarettes in between the buildings that waft in from the door. The white tiles click with the sound of heels and sneakers. The sounds of kids talking echos through the halls. Lara and I decided, we will do 2 classes for now and if I like them I will reapply before the next semester. Where I graduated with a 4.0 and my SAT scores were high I could get into some really good colleges like Wilmore. Wilmore Excellence College is an exclusive college only for kids in the top of their class. 4.0-4.9 was only allowed. Not to mention scholarships were extremely rare here and if you got one it was like a golden ticket.

Lara said scholarships don't come easy and a lot of kids parents are almost broke from sending their kids here. I don't know how much Lara paid sending me here she just said "You have classes Monday and Friday. Today is Monday let's go" I am still really jumpy. The judge suggested I get a service dog for my PTSD. He/She will monitor when I am about to have an episode, anxiety, triggers and more. I should be meeting up with animals tomorrow. Today is Monday so I have art, room 135 Building A.

I sit in the seat in front of the easel and look at the assignment. 'Paint something that scares you'. I look around and see people painting forests and oceans. I sit and think for a moment before getting an idea. I start my sketch and get to work. "Is that a basement with a cell in it?" a deep male voice asks me and I jump dropping my brush, I stumble into my easel and it falls down and the painting lands on its back saving my work. I sigh before moving to pick up my mess. I feel my shirt ride up and I instantly tug it down. I have to change the wraps regularly so my wounds won't get infected. The pain killers make me groggy at first but it wears off after about an hour. I take them every morning and I've been taking my supplements so I can start eating more.

Summer had ended and the weather was colder which I was thankful for due to the fact that I have grown accustom to wearing baggy clothes to hide how skinny I really was. "Jeez someone is jumpy this afternoon". I squeezed my eyes shut trying to ignore the pain as I picked up my painting. I gently set my things down and turned to him. My mouth went dry as my eyes met his. Bright hazel almost piercing, dark rims around a lime green and a light brown met his pupils. My ice blue eyes could never compare. I blinked but he was still looking at me. He probably thinks that I look sickly and gross I wouldn't blame him. Wait, why do I care?

"Can you not?" I whisper. It comes out gravely and strained.

"She speaks, can I not what?" his eyebrows come together as he looks at me in question.

I clear my throat, "Please don't stare at me and please don't come-" My voice gave out and I willed myself to stop. I don't understand how sometimes my voice is strong and other times it isn't. "Please don't come up behind me" That's all I say before turning back to my painting. I have 20 minutes left of class and I want to spend it painting. I lose myself painting before Easton interrupts me again. I slowly lower my brush with an aggravated sigh. "What" I snap and he smiles at me, you would asshole.

"1, the bell rung and 2, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Easton, but depending on the person they call me East." I look at him for a moment before rolling my eyes and gathering my things. Arrogant, asshole, prick. Who calls themselves a direction?

I softly place my canvas in my section and stare at it the walls of my dads basement stare at me as I look at the outline of the young girl. It's only a spot on the canvas but you can see the pencil drawing of the girl that has her back ripped open and a whip drawn in pencil on the floor. I stare at it for what seems like forever, my 18th birthday in painting. What people won't understand what they can't understand is that it isn't the basement or whip that scares me. It's the dead look in the eyes of the girl. A look I know, and a feeling I will never forget.

Monday ended and today was the day I was going to meet the trainer. We walked through the doors and the dogs were barking some were playing. "Hi I'm Shelly it's nice to meet you oof- Hi Ollie. Guys this is my veteran Ollie, this man has given us a few really good liters of beautiful germans, he was a police dog but he's been retired. What can I do you for?" Her and Lara talk for a bit and Shelly asks what kind of dog. "No preference just a well trained service dog" Shelly nods and takes us back.

"So we have about 8 service dogs right now and a few in training with Doug. They are back this way, hello Lucky. So you have the option to change their name, they're on the younger side so it shouldn't effect them much. Come on in and watch your feet" I look around as bright colors and colored circles and pictures of dogs fill the room. I move into the pin that is surrounded with a black fleur de lis fence. Puppies and young dogs surround my feet yipping and turning.

"Remember a connection is good with a service dog, the 1 to 2 year olds may be better for you as they're still young and they will build a good relationship with you. The puppy puppies are still in training" a man with grey hair was leaning on the fence. I maneuvered around the pin and a smaller golden retriever caught my eye. Sleeping on a bed quiet and calm. I moved away from the others and sat in front of him.

"Shelly you left him in here? I'm sorry Obi-Wan is a good dog he just isn't good with people he is very protective and doesn't like people in general. His last family didn't treat him the best. We've been working on socialization, I will have him-" he stops when Obi-Wan gets up and looks at me. He stops for a moment as if checking me out and moves slowly towards me. He sniffs me and moves around me to sniff some more. He sits in front of me and we look at each other. Slowly he moves and lays down in my lap. I pet him softly with a happy smile on my face.

"Well what-da-ya know eh? Shelly see that?" Doug smiles wide.

"Yeah I see it. Have you made a decision ma'am?"

I look at Obi-Wan and nod softly. "Yes, him" I say petting him and I give him a kiss on his head. Obi-Wan turns around and licks my face and I giggle. Just you and me huh bud?

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