Chapter 21: Her Fight

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My phone rang and I numbly answered.

"John, what's happening?"

"I'm sorry Haven. Charles Scott escaped from prison"

Everything after that became a blur. I fell to my knees and screamed. Emily came running into the room. Everyone looked at me on the floor and to the tv back and forth. Easton and Westley looked pale. Emily's presence forgotten. Easton leaned down and spoke to me but his words fell on deaf ears. This can't be happening. I was safe. He was behind bars and I was safe. I have to get out of here. I need to go somewhere safe. I can't stay here I need to leave right now!

I sprung up and ran into my room. Barreling through the door I sat in the corner of my room facing the door. I heard shoes hit the stairs and memories flashed through my mind. Charles's voice booming as he grabbed me by my hair and yanked me out of bed. I tried in vain to get the flashbacks to go away. I begged with everything in me. I prayed to a God I wasn't even sure was there. I sobbed the force of my cries shaking my body.

"No" I begged and pleaded. The door opened and I flinched. "No please don't" I sobbed and tried to scoot further into the corner. As if I tried hard enough my body would meld with the wall. I was visibly shaking in fear. I just wanted it to stop. I longed for peace. I just want this fight to be over. I cried harder at a familiar voice hitting my ears. Peace spoke to me

"Haven?" Eastons voice calmly asks. All I could get out was a sob. He then rushed into the room his eyes taking me in. The fear in my eyes and the sobs shaking my body.

"Hey hey hey it's okay shushhhh" he cradled me and rocked back and forth. Kissing my head. "It's okay baby it's okay" he whispered. I moved in his arms and clinched onto him clinging for dear life. Him and Carrie be damned he was my only sense of comfort. My hands gripped his hoodie in a vise grip. I was shaking in fear. No matter how much progress I made. How many therapy sessions I went to. He would always be the demon that haunts my nightmares.

My shaking slowed and the tears stopped. And I leaned back. Easton's arms were still around me refusing to let go. He kissed my forehead. And I looked into his eyes. "Haven" he whispered. His lips moved toward my own and just as they were about to meet my phone rings. I jump and look at the caller ID. Unknown number...Paul!

I answer the phone standing up so quickly Easton is knocked back in surprise. "Paul!" I exclaim in relief.

"Not quite" Caine's voice chuckled back at me. Fear ran through my veins like cold saline. My heart thumped faster and faster. Boom boom boom boom. With every breath.

"Where is Paul?" I asked walking out of my room making a beeline for the back porch.

"Let's keep this simple. I don't want your little boyfriend to get suspicious. We have Paul. And his wife. Did the missus tell you the good news. She's pregnant. Isn't that wonderful Haven" no, my heart thumped louder hammering against my chest like a drummer on a solo. Thump Boom thump boom thump boom Thump boom.

"If you want them released you will meet me at the cafe you go to after school. You will tell them you are meeting Officer Pruitt or Paul. Whoever you need to get them to let you go. And we will leave them at that cafe. With a note. You will come with us and no one has to die. No blood has to be on your hands Haven. You have 2 minutes to decide"

"Haven who is on the phone?" Westley asks. My heart thumps pushing the fear to every limb in my body every vein. Every nerve is firing in fear.

I take a deep breath knowing my choice. I steady my voice and smile at him. "It's just Lara. I'll see you inside" he nods shutting the door.

"Good choice. Meet us tonight at midnight at the cafe. You have until 1 am to get there or I will blow both of their brains out killing your little niece or nephew got that?"

My hands are shaking as I look at the 8 on the digital clock. "I understand" I don't know how I kept my voice even but I did it.

"Good don't be late or else" click.

I can't freak out now. I walk back into the room sitting on the couch. They don't ask so I offer the lie. "They're moving Paul and Lara. To keep them safe. They said we should be okay where we are at just from now on it's school to home that's it" I kept my voice even and I added a nod. They nodded in return.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now" I stood up and told them both goodnight. I closed my door and paced.

Every hour I was watching the clock.




I finished my letters leaving them on my bed. I sneak as quietly as I can down the stairs and grab my keys. Turning my car on I zoom out of the drive way and to the cafe. I step out and see Caine with a smirk.

"Where are they?" I ask and he chortles.

"Sweetheart. They were never here. You think I can find their location. I don't care to. You are my prize" my heart thundered. They were never here. No no no. I walked into a trap.

I turned to run but stop when I see the face behind me. "Hello Haven"

"Charles" is all I get out before a white cloth is shoved in my face. I try to fight but am losing. I think quickly dropping my small change purse on the ground before the darkness takes me.

What can I say?...the house always wins...

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