Chapter 24: Her Instinct

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I rushed into the gas station and spoke as quickly as I could "can I use your phone?" My words came out as breathless and the clerk took in my appearance. Scratches from the branch and holes in my clothes. My body dirty and my hair a mess. He nodded numbly and handed me the phone. I dialed 911 as quickly as my fingers would let me.

"911 what's your emergency?" the female operator said.

"Hi my name is Haven Scott. I need to talk to officer Pruitt of god I don't know what precinct he's in but his badge number is #44589. Um I don't- I just need to talk to him please"

"Okay have honey I need you to breathe and tell me what happened" so I did I rattled off everything I could think of. To the protection to what led me to being with Caine in that van. To the men who helped me. I told her about the four wheeler and how I got the phone and she told me that she's dispatching cops and an ambulance. I told her I didn't need one but she insisted. She also gave me the number I needed to call officer Pruitt. I hung up with her and called him immediately.

"This is officer Pruitt how can I help you?"

"It's me"

"Haven? Thank god. We've been looking for you for days kid. Where are you?" I asked the clerk for the address.

"3838 Mcormick?" He sighed.

"That's not far from us, we are on our way"

"O-oh okay" I hung up my heart was beating as fast as a Jack hammer. I heard a car door shut and I jumped. Voices echoed from the parking lot. My breathing became shallow thinking the worst. They followed me and it was all a trick.

"We are almost there. We need gas for when we find her. I don't want to risk stopping" that voice makes me want to fall to my knees and sob.

"Oh my god...Easton?!" I called and I heard thundering footsteps. I don't know how I got on the ground. But he fell to his knees beside me.

"Oh my god Haven" he grabbed my face for a moment. I sprung up and hugged him as tight as I could. Not caring if I was covered in dirt or if I smelled.

He kissed my hair and rocked me "oh my baby. My baby. I'm here I'm here I promise. Oh my girl" he whispered like it was a prayer. I cried into his shoulder. He grabbed my face again and kissed me. "My Haven" he whispered. He was crying too. I reached up and wiped his tears.

"Car is gassed up- oh my god Haven" Westley said quickly followed by Emily. Wes hugged me and we walked to the car.

"What about officer Pruitt" I said and Easton pointed to Wes who was now on the phone.

I hugged Easton again when I heard a loud pop followed by 2 more pops. I felt warmth in my stomach. Fear. I saw fear in Easton's eyes. Pain rushed through my body with fire. My stomach felt like someone lit a match and stuck it in me. I groaned and fell. I looked over to see the clerk with a gun in his hands. I started to shake as I saw the panic on their faces. Their words were muffled and I couldn't make them out. Emily was crying and Wes was on the phone again. And Easton was crying. I wanted to reach up and wipe his tear but I didn't have the energy I was in too much pain. I let out a scream as more pain started to hit.

When the pain became too much it all started to fade. But I heard a faint "don't leave me baby, please".

I'll try, I promise. I'll try.


Rhythmic beeping woke me up. "The bullet went through and through but it had hit the top of her spleen and the bottom of the stomach. We were able to repair both. But she has a long road of recovery ahead of her. For now I'd say let her rest"

"Hey Baby" a voice said. I looked over to see Easton sitting in a chair. With a groan of pain I moved over and patted the bed next to me.

"You look like hell-" my voice was hoarse and deep. It cracked and broke.

"I really thought you were gonna die" he whispered kissing my forehead and smelling my hair. I was about to comment on how I stink and he shouldn't sniff me until I've showered but I stopped when I felt a wetness in my hair.

I looked up at his beautiful face to see tears flowing freely with no shame. "Hey I'm here, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" he nods and I kiss him. When our lips meet I feel the electricity flowing between us. The familiar feeling of comfort sets in as I  break the kiss and set my head on his shoulder. "I'm tired" I whisper.

"It's the anesthesia. Go ahead and sleep baby. I'll be right here when you wake up"

I closed my eyes once more and finally got a peaceful sleep for the first time in days.


"Good morning Haven" officer Pruitt says happily handing me a glass of water and ice chips. Easton was in the cafeteria getting us food. I smiled at him and muttered a quick thank you.


"So luckily the clerk shot Caine. He was pronounced dead on the scene. So he will not be hunting you any more. As for the guy who was hunting you with him. He's in the wind. But we will find him. The guys who helped you gave us all the information they could to help. And they're at the station as we speak making an official statement. And Haven it's all finally over. You can go home now if you'd like."

"Actually-" I started. "I'd like to stay in Kentucky. I want to finish going to school here. I like it here you know?"

Officer Pruitt smiled "that can be arranged".

"Here we go. Soup for the lady, and a breakfast burrito for me" Easton said making his way into the room.

"Alright I'm gonna head down to the station and see if I can help with anything. I'll see you kid" Officer Pruitt says holding out his fist. I give him a fist bump and he smiles.

"Oh yeah and one more thing" he says as he reaches the door. He opens it and looks at me. "Your mom is here to see you".

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