Chapter 9: Her Weird Encounter

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3rd person POV

Lara offered to drive and Paul nods. "That was the first time I saw her truly smile" Paul comments looking back at his sleeping sister and the dog nestled into her side. "I hope that dog helps her for the better" Lara sighed she knew her fiancé was struggling with how to approach his sister. After all she'd become closer with Haven than he had.

"You have to give her time love. She is still adjusting. She'll come around eventually, as long as you don't push" she elbows him with a smile.

Haven POV

I have been hanging out with Obi all week. Being with him is so calming. We got him a service dog tag for his harness and a blue harness. He has helped me so much and it's only been a few days. Today is Friday and I have English class. Lara is starting to teach me to drive so that I can learn to drive myself. Charles had always either dropped me off or made me walk. He believed that if I could drive I would escape. Even though he would lock the car and take the keys with him.

"Are you ready?" I look at Obi and he huffs. "Yeah me neither, I know that bringing you in here is going to cause people to look at me. Just you and me right Obi?" I wait for a few and he just looks out the window. "Right"

"You'll be okay Haven" Lara says and I nod. I get out of the car and walked around to Obi's side. I grab his leash ignoring the people staring and I walk into the school.

Obi is about 1 year old and he is still a puppy but a very disciplined one. "Omg he's so cute can I pet him?" a girl will brunette hair coos at Obi. My heart starts to get quicker and Obi moves beside me and nudges my hand.

"No you can't he's a service dog and he's working right now" I say and she scoffs.

"You don't even look disabled. One pet can't hurt, don't be that person." I sigh looking at her.

"No you can't clearly on his harness it says do not pet" I ignore the disabled comment.

The girl steps towards me but Obi-Wan steps in front of me is side to the front of my legs blocking her from getting too close. "Did you like, lie to get a service dog cause I would so do that" she whispers and I look at her she serious? Her friend quickly agrees and they converse about it. I ignore them and continue walking. I hear her scoff but I keep walking.

"Woah there fuzz ball" I hear a deep voice and I look up to see Obi-Wan wagging his tail his paws on this guys shoulders. This guy laughs out loud and looks at me his laughter reducing to a smile. His hair is brown like a chocolate bar and his eyes are grey like storm clouds. His smile causes creases on the sides and little creases on the sides of his eyes. I see a full set of pearly white perfect teeth. His shoulders are wide and his arms are bulky.

"Obi down" I command him and he listens immediately coming back to my side. "Sorry" I offer him a small smile.

"Nah thats alright I'm a dog person anyway. He's sweet. Are you new I've never seen you before?"

"Yeah I only have 2 classes here now" Obi walked over to him again and I smiled apologetically. "Obi-Wan come" I call him again and he comes sitting next to me patiently.

"Obi-Wan? like Star Wars? I love Star Wars" He smiles and I laugh.

"I've never seen it, he was named by the trainer and the name suits him so I kept it"

"How have you never seen it? It's one of the most popular franchises around"

"I wasn't really allowed" I stop myself trailing off.

"You weren't allowed to go to the movies? were your parents strict or something?" he asked and I nodded maybe a little too eagerly.

"Yeah something like that, it was my step-dad he was just super paranoid. You know, parents" I laughed and he nodded. God I need to lie better.

"Yeah I get ya, but he didn't let you watch them at home either?"

Shit, I froze. I start to rush around my words "I just never got around to it"

"Yeah I got ya. I'm Westley but my friends call me West"

"Hey it's art girl...what are you doing?" Easton walks up to me with a smile. He throws his arm around me and Obi moves instantly putting himself in between me and Easton. Obi sniffs Easton for a moment and then licks his hand. Easton smiles and kneels down to pet him.

"Easton of course you know her. Can't help but add another notch in your belt hm? I swear-" Westley gets interrupted.

"Sorry not all of us just want to impress mommy and daddy and get good grades. Hold on Two Shoes I think you left your sippy cup in your locker. Want me to walk you across the street? I'll hold your hand and everything" Easton mocks him with a baby voice and I roll my eyes. They continue to bicker and I realize I'm going to be late.

"Obi come" I command and he meets my side.

"Where are you going?"

"What class do you have?"

Easton and Westley asked at the same time glaring at each other. "Look" my throat started to pick and burn but I cleared it and went on. I thought about telling them I didn't want a part of their obvious pissing match. But I think about Charles and his friends and I decide against it. "Never mind, I have English with Moore" Westley perks up with a smirk, satisfaction takes over his face.

"I have that class actually, follow me" Westley remarks.

I shrug and call Obi-Wan. We follow Westley "Is hanging out with the school play boy a particular habit of yours?" he threw happily over his shoulder.

"Not really, he's my neighbor" he turns to me with an easy smile and his creases show once more. "Oh so you're living with officer Scott?" he asks and I look at him with bemusement.

"Yeah he's my brother how do you know him?" I asked the confusion leaking through my voice.

"Nothing bad, he looks out for my brother, they're partners on the force"

"So we have one thing in common" I muttered and he gives me a wide smile.

"Yeah? how bout this I live to the left of his house so I am your other neighbor" he stops outside of a class room. "This is us"

"Sooo I have a question" I am speaking softer now as my throat is aching.


"What's with you and Easton?" he sighs and steps towards me.

He shyly places a hair behind my ear and my heart thumps in my chest quickly. "That's a story for another day" he whispers looking at me with an expression I can't decipher. I watch him walk into the class room with that same bounce in his step from earlier.

I look in the hallway behind me thinking of where Easton and Westley had their stand off and I think for a moment. Why did that only make me more confused and curious than before?

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