Chapter 23: His Madness

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Easton POV

I paced back and forth as cops shuffled in and out of the house. Westley was soothing a crying Emily. As she read her letter. I still didn't have the guts to read mine. It laid on the coffee table mocking me. I scoffed and walked over to it. I grabbed it and stopped for a moment. My hand grazed over my name written in her handwriting and tears welled in my eyes. I sniffed and choked them back opening the letter.

Dear Easton,

Don't be mad at me, please. I did this to protect Lara and Paul. I guess I always knew that this would end with me dying. I don't think I am going to make it this time and I'm sorry. I wanted to get better and be better...for you.

I wanted to be the girl that you relied on and trusted. I wanted to be the girl you looked at and only saw beauty. I wanted to be the girl who wasn't broken by her father. I just wanted to be the girl for you.

Every time I'm around you I forget my past for a moment. And in that moment I can play pretend. I can be a girl who got a scholarship and the girl who's boyfriend moved to be with me. The girl who has a best friend from the time she was small. Who has a brother who is a cop. And just be normal.

Every moment I played your girlfriend I fell deeper and deeper for you. It was like I was drowning and you were my safety raft. Being with you felt as easy as breathing and a lot of the time I caught myself believing it was real. Even just for a moment I wanted our relationship to be real.

Now I'm leaving without being able to tell you how much I- I am going to wait for those words. It's crazy to think about. We've known each other for what? 4 months if that. And I care so deeply for you. I read once it can take someone 17 seconds to fall in love. I don't know if that's how I felt in the supply closet the first day we met.

I will never be able to thank you enough for all you've done for me. I apologize for dragging you into my mess. But honestly I think it was meant to be. It's ironic. I spent most of my life cursing fate and here I am thanking it. Meeting you was one of the best moments in my life. I had no idea how much I would grow to care about you. Actually, you kinda got on my nerves when we met. You were a cocky asshole. But now I see that was a front.

You are kind and you are caring. You helped me when I needed it without asking. You are always the first person to ask me if I'm okay. To comfort me if I'm not. I never said it but I was always thankful for it.

Don't let me dying fuck you up too much. This is always how it was going to end. I will fight though, know I will fight for my life until my last breath. I promise I will do everything I can to make it back to you.

And maybe one day I will be able to tell you those 3 words in person.

Love Always,


Tears burned my eyes as I clutched the letter in my hands. Now she tells me. I've loved her for 2 months. And now she tells me. I only kissed Carrie to try and numb my pain with Haven. I only ended up hurting her but I was trying to make my feelings go away. They came on so fast and sudden I didn't expect it. Or know how to deal with it.

I sighed as a tear fell down my cheek. Please be okay. I'm begging you to be okay. If you die, I don't know how I will take it.

"We have new information" Officer Pruitt rushed into the room. Emily, Wes and I stood walking to him."we found her change purse at the cafe with her fake drivers license and who to call if found. We checked security cam footage and followed the car through the road cams until they reached a subdivision. Luckily one of the neighbors has the doorbell camera and caught the car parking and going into a house that was apparently recently sold to a Charles Smith. We went in and found Charles Scott severely beaten and stabbed to death. My guess is it's someone who knows what they're doing so I would think Caine.

We also found out more about him. Caine Donessy. He was a marine for 5 years and was dishonorably discharged and sent home. His girlfriend of 2 years was found 3 days later beaten to death and 18 weeks pregnant. Her boyfriend was beaten and stabbed in the same way Charles was. My guess is he kidnapped Haven and him and Charles got into an argument. It obviously didn't go well for Charles but I'm not sad about it. It's one less monster we need to catch. There was a basement in the bottom of the house made into a cell. There is evidence that she was there. But this means Haven is in more danger than she has ever been in. Caine is more dangerous than any of us thought. Now there were a couple maps of different places but Emily I need your help to decide where to look" Emily looked shocked as she gripped Wes's hand. Not the time...but I ship it.

"Wh-hy m-me?"she stuttered.

"You're a local you know the area. You know which places would be better to look. I tried to talk to the local police and they are patrolling the area but they don't want to go into the woods blind. I have a small group of cops with me and we don't know how many people Caine had with him. No doubt he has some with him for protection. So... will you help us? Help Haven?" Emily thinks for a moment before nodding. Officer Pruitt places the maps on the table and Emily looks them over.

"If he were to take her anywhere it would be here" she pointed to a map. "Red River Gorge is massive. Lots of places to take someone and not be seen. There are places that are local secrets. He would've wanted to stay away from highly populated areas so he probably went somewhere behind the blue trail. It's old camping grounds that aren't used. But if he knows about that spot he has a local with him. No one goes over there for the hell of it. Just off the blue trail is a spot for four wheelers and bikes. Because there is a mud playground to the right here. They're there for everyone to use. They have trackers on them so they can't get stolen. If one is taken off the grounds the workers get notified"

"Good thank you" he nods before leaving the room. Emily sits back down in a chair and Wes rubs her shoulders. I raise an eyebrow at him and he shrugs.

I think for a moment. "Em, how well do you know those woods?"

"I've been raised in them my whole life. My dad used to take us camping there all the time we own a cabin there. Why?" She asks and I nod moving to grab my keys.

"Come on man I'm worried too but you can't risk your life like this. Officer Pruitt told us how dangerous this Caine guy is" Wes says grabbing my arm.

"Haven has been through hell her entire life. I'm not just going to sit here when she's out there fighting for her life. God knows that those animals are doing to her. With Emily we have a chance at finding her and bringing her back safely. I can't just sit here and do nothing" I say back with determination Westley thinks for a moment and Emily stands up.

"Let's do it. I want to save her. And then I'm going to smack her for lying to me" she nods and Wes looks at her.

"I don't want you in danger" Wes says and she scoffs.

"I'm not helpless. I grew up in those woods I know them like the back of my hand if anyone can help find her it's me. And Easton's right we can't just sit here and do nothing. So come with or let us go" I like her. She will keep him in check. Wes sighs before nodding.

"Alright. Let's go" with that we all grab our stuff and head to my car.

Hang on Haven I'm coming.

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