Chapter 2: Her Worthy Hero

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3rd Person POV

"Give me the run down doc what are we looking at?" Officer Pruitt asks.

"Her reports show injuries consistent of trauma, fractures that have healed and been broken again. I am slightly confused though it seems that her treatments are consistent of someone with medical experience, broken ribs that have healed beautifully and brakes in the leg that could only have been healed with a cast and PT. She's had medical attention, my guess is from an under the table source.

Her urine and blood also indicate she's on birth control. She has vaginal scaring and tears consistent of forces sexual penetration and abuse. She's been through a lot, we gave her a sedative and I'd like to keep her one more night, before I release her into your care because you seem to be the only one she trusts. And you seem to be the only person she trusts.

She practically freaked out when I suggested calling her brother. I will say I did call him but it went to voicemail so you may want to try him. Just to let him know what's going on"

"Therapy doesn't always work you know" Officer Pruitt mutters. He knew Paul Scott well, he was a cop back in his home town. And a good one. Young but very well rounded.

"For her it may. Listen, this girl, she has been through more than you will ever know. The amount of scars on her back would give the boogie man nightmares. It's consistent of the skin healing over itself, as in she was whipped and whipped again over the same lacerations, bruises consistent of being hit with some kind of battalion or rod. Floggers, belts, she has indents from leather cuffs on her ankles.

She hasn't been getting enough nutrition. She'll need supplements and something to help her get through the night. We had to sedate her because she couldn't get through the night without screaming from nightmares. The nurses were beside themselves. This road to recovery won't be easy, and you have been given the job of her care until she sees her brother."

"She's an adult I can't force her to go with me"

"No but you can care for her, she knows that she will be staying with you until she's healthy. She prefers it I believe, I don't think she feels very safe alone" The doctor gives the sleeping girl a look of pity.

"Has she spoken at all?" Officer Pruitt asks looking at the girl fast asleep.

"Not one word, its not like we haven't tried she just stares. We got her to write some and shake her head but she hasn't said one word. I believe she may in time."

"But you don't know for sure?"

"No, I'm sorry"



Beeping that's the first thing I hear, as I open my eyes my vision is foggy I blink rapidly to try to focus my vision. I look around the room and see the officer from the other day, as least I think it was. I don't remember how long I've been in here this all seems unreal. Like I am going to wake up in the basement with one of Charles friends hovering over me, unbuckling their belt god I hate that sound.

"Ahh she's awake" he says sipping his coffee looking at his phone. "You feeling alright?" he asks and I shrug. He walks up slowly to the bed almost as if he's trying to not be threatening. I break eye contact and look down.

He smiles at me softly. Almost in a fatherly or brotherly way, not that I'd know much about that. "You don't have to look down, not anymore" he whispers and I nod. "I saw the wall of rules in your house, framed. I am sorry you had to go through that." He shakes his head and grips the railing of my bed. My eyes go to his knuckles watching his every move. He stops for a moment and follows my gaze. He relaxes instantly. "Sorry" he apologizes and I shrug as if to say 'that's alright'.

He moves back to grab his chair and pulls it up next to my bed. I just sit and watch him patiently. "So, the doctor called your brother but it went to voicemail". The heart monitor starts to beat a little faster and he grabs my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Hey you're alright" he coos. "I work with your brother, I actually live not too far from him. I am taking you with me to Florida, you'll live with your brother but I won't be too far." I shake my head and move to grip his hand. His wedding band is cold against my palm. I don't want him to leave, he's the closest thing I've had to safety in 8 years. He saved my life.

"Hey look at me" he stands up. "You will never have to go back to that house again. Charles Scott is not leaving that cell. That you can count on." he reassures me.

His phone rings and he holds up his hand to signal one moment. I nod as he walks away. I lean back on my bed and close my eyes.


Officer Pruitt

"Hey Smith what's up?" Pauls voice floats through the phone.

"Hey did they doctor call you?" I ask.

"Um yeah but I was in the middle of an interrogation so I couldn't answer what's up?"

I think for a moment, how am I gonna put this? "So before I left the precinct we got a domestic disturbance call. It was routine we thought it was just a couple arguing. Until we got to the house. We heard distress and yelling so we went in. And uh-" I stutter for a moment and then take a breath. "It was a young girl being beaten and choked"

"Damn is she okay?" he asks

"Yeah relatively. But she has a lot of injuries and trauma. The girl refuses to speak a word and is completely closed off. It's almost as if she's numb, I mean she may show a little fear here or there but it's mostly a brick wall. The doctor decides to release her into mine and Sarah's care until she gets healthier or until we get back to Florida which hopefully will be soon. Well as soon as she gets cleared to fly. Connecticut is too far to drive to Florida for me"

"Wait you're in Connecticut?"


"Uh, I grew up there actually. I used to have a sister who lived up there but she uh- she died about 3 years ago. She was driving to college and hydroplaned, ran off the side of the road and flipped the car. I couldn't even go to her funeral, I got sent her obituary but uh I couldn't bring myself to go. Lana said I should've gone but I just couldn't." he says solemnly with a sigh.

If his sister died...who is sitting in that hospital bed?

"Sorry to unload all of that on you" Paul said with a quiet laugh.

"Paul listen-"

"I do regret not making it to her funeral I-"

"Paul, not to be rude and interrupt but who told you she died?" I ask.

"My stepfather"

"Paul I gotta tell you something" I mutter whispering my voice slightly shaking. I take a breath as he gives me a moment to continue. "The girl we saved from that domestic call, they had her on file and uh-"

"You're kinda freaking me out right now Smith what's going on?" I sigh and decide to pull it off like a band-aid.

"Her name is Haven Scott"

"What?" he whispers breathless.

"Paul your sister is still alive"

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