Chapter 19: Her First Carnival

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My hand shook with nerves as the disinterested teen stamped my hand aggressively. "Enjoy the carnival" she said numbly. Her green and black hair shining in the evening sun.

"Thanks" Easton says and she rolls her eyes.

I looked to Westley and laughed "doesn't get paid enough" we joked. "Ooh Wes let's go on that one" I said grabbing his arm pointing towards it.

"The tilt a whirl?" I nodded and he laughed as I drug him to the ride.

We strapped in and I waved at Easton who laughed and waved back. The ride started and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindi Lauper played over the speaker. Westley and I sang along loudly. Off key I may add. We rode it at least 4 times before wiggling off looking like we were drunk no doubt.

"There's gonna be fireworks tonight in about 2 hours. So what do you wanna do until then?" Easton asked.

I thought for a moment already knowing my answer. "Get on as many rides as possible of course" I smile at him.

He laughs "Of course"

"I've never been on that one before today it was fun" I said bouncing on my feet getting some food. "When do the fireworks start?"

"Should be around 8. So any minute now. You know there is a contest for couples at the fair during the fireworks. It's a kiss challenge. Best kiss gets the trophy. But they also catch people on the kiss cam all throughout the carnival. And I want that trophy Haven" he winks at me and my brain sputters on what to say for a moment.

"Is that normal?" I ask and Easton shrugs.

"It is the carnival of love so I'm assuming it's just going with the theme"

"Alright kids get ready to kiss your lovers" the announcer says. He looks awkward and like he'd rather be literally anywhere else.

"Hey come here" Easton says standing up. I stand up with him. He walks to me and I always seem to forget how tall he is. And built. He towers over me. I'd have to stand on my toes to really kiss him.

He bends down his arm making its way around my waist. He pulls me towards him and slams his lips on mine.

Gravity, that's how I'd explain the pull I feel to him. It's like he has his own gravitational pull and I'm a meteor stuck in his pull doomed to orbit him until his atmosphere burns me.

He is like the undertow in the ocean the perfect amount of push and pull leaves me wading in his waters. Just waiting for the moment he decides to free me from it.

Hands hurried in his hair he chuckles as he pulls away. "Now for the big finish" he whispered his breath fanning my face.

"Big fini-?" Is all I get out before I am dipped down and he claims my lips once again. Kissing me. Selfishly stealing my breath. Is this what happiness feels like? I feel like soaring and singing and screaming. Dancing in the rain until I'm too tired to stand.

It's been so long since I've felt this. It is as if greeting an old friend who moved away. Sitting down for coffee and talking about how your life has been in the years they've been gone.

I break away from him for a moment. To peak at the screen. "We are on the kiss cam" I whispered my arms around his neck we haven't moved. He is still dipping me like I'm a main character in a romance novel set in the 30's.

"I figured with my performance" he whispered back smirking. Our faces still inches apart. His perfect face. His sharp jaw and hazel eyes. Brown decorating the green in harmony.

"Just you?" I tease and he smiles.

"You might've helped a little bit"

"Just a little" I offer still whispering. As if whispering would stop others from hearing. Being with him this way made the world fade away. Just me and him in our own perfect little bubble. No one else here on the planet.

This moment looking into his eyes. There is no Charles no Caine. No threat to our lives. I wasn't abused and broken. He wasn't a recovering player. We were just two people who are kissing at a carnival in a small town in Kentucky. Just two people who enjoy the others company. The peace they provide. And he does, he provides the best kind of peace.

"We didn't win" I whisper to him peaking at the couple on stage. The woman bouncing as she hugged her girlfriend giving her the biggest kiss while the other woman offered a shy smile.

"That's okay, I won what I wanted" he whispers cryptically.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He stands back up offering me a half smile and whispers once more. "Ask me tomorrow"

"But I-"

"I promise I will answer tomorrow. Let's enjoy the rest of the carnival" I gave him an odd look before nodding.

We were almost home. I was still riding the high of the carnival, I don't think I've ever had so much fun. Not in a long time. We pulled into the drive way and Easton spoke as we were walking through the door.

"Carrie is having a party tomorrow. A guy from my science class invited me so I'm gonna go for a bit but I'll be back tomorrow okay? Why don't you invite Emily over for dinner Sunday?" Easton offers with a smile. I nod thinking. So it will be just me and Westley for a few hours and then Sunday it's me, Westley, Emily and Easton.

"I'll text her about it. Goodnight guys"


Today was a lot of fun. It was really just Wes and I all day. We talked about all kinds of stuff and he told me about his childhood. Easton left for the party around 8 and then I kicked Wes's ass at Monopoly... twice.

The door opened and Obi went to greet whoever was at the door. "Sup fur ball" Easton said. His shirt was opened a little more than when he left. His navy button up looked wrinkled and his hair was a mess. He's not drunk right? I felt my nerves spike at the thought that he was like Charles when drunk.

I immediately felt guilty and mentally slapped myself for thinking that way. He isn't Charles Haven. Not even close.

He smelled of perfume and I raised my eyebrow at him. I had no right to be jealous but for some reason it still made it's presence known in the back of my mind.

"I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed" he shrugged. What's wrong with him? He isn't drunk that's for sure. He walked to his room his aloof attitude following him every step of the way. He seemed...cold.

"Goodnight to you too then" I whispered rolling my eyes. I made my way up stairs and jumped onto the bed with a loud sigh.

I was about to fall asleep when a text from Emily lit up my phone.

*Em: meet me at the cafe around 11-12 tomorrow. We need to talk. There is something I need to tell you. *
I leaned up on my elbow and typed my reply quickly before going to sleep.

*c u then*

Why is everyone acting so weird tonight? I ask myself. Drifting into sleep, I dream about a blonde boy with hazel eyes. The only one on my mind.

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