Chapter 17: Her Fake Boyfriend

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Sitting at lunch was odd. Everyone was talking about the 3 new students. How hot the guys were and how quiet I was. I guess moving to a small town in Kentucky I should've guessed this would happen. Easton, Westley and I were sitting outside by a tree eating McDonalds. They were asking me about my life  and I was filling them in as much as I could.

"So your brother is Officer Scott?" Easton asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. Technically Charles is my stepfather. My mother got pregnant in high school by her boyfriend at the time. He didn't want kids. She met Charles when Paul was 5. She had ended up reconnecting with her high school boyfriend and got pregnant with me. The only father I've ever known is Charles"

Easton scoffs "not much of a father really" I nodded

"He wasn't always like this though. According to my brother he was beating my mom before she left. But I always remember us being happy. My dad would grill and Paul and I would play in the backyard. Mom would bake cakes and hum the song that was currently stuck in her head. We were happy for a while. But my brother moved out and went to college to study criminal law to become a cop. After he left my mom left a few months later. And after she left he snapped and that's when..." I trailed off. It was still hard to say the words. "Charles had a lot of slum allies in dark places. But his closest friend is the one who is hunting us. For some reason he owes Charles for something and this is how he is repaying his debt. Caine Johnson is a vile son of a bitch."

"Where you goin? I paid Charles to have my fun" his breath smelled and his calloused hands made me cringe in disgust.

"No" I whispered. Fear grew in my veins jumping out at every nerve. Screaming run. I knew what he meant. He laughed in my face and started to drag me to the basement. I screamed as loud as I could. Caine punched me in the face.

14, I was too young to lose my virginity. But that didn't stop him. That rat bastard I will never forget the sound his belt made. I shivered in disgust. Easton hugged me and rubbed my back. I hadn't realized I was crying.

Easton kissed my forehead and whispered calming words in my ear. Subconsciously or maybe consciously I leaned into the comfort he provided. I stood up after a moment and the boys followed.

"I have an appointment with my new therapist tomorrow. Paul said she knows about...the situation. Sort of whatever that means" I sighed walking back into the school.

I bid the boys goodbye and headed towards art class. I clipped shoulders with someone. "Oh I'm sorry" we'd said at the same time. The girl had caramel colored hair. And deep brown eyes.

"I am so sorry I wasn't lookin and ran right into you" she smacked her forehead and laughed. I shook my head and giggled with her.

"I'm Emily but friends call me Em or they would if I had any friends" she laughed awkwardly and I smiled.

"Haven. I'm-"

"The new scholarship student with the hot boyfriend yeah I know." I raised my eyebrow. And she shrugged. "You're in a small town now. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Are you in Wallaby's art class?" She asked. She spoke so quickly it was hard to understand. Her smile was easy and her voice had just the right amount of a southern accent.

"Uhm yeah" I say

She hooked her arm through mine and gave me a prize winning smile. "I am too. Let's go" in a way her vibes were a breath of fresh air.

"Okay okay. Let me introduce you to people as we go. Shelby Moore is the school slut and no one likes her cause she sleeps with girls boyfriends. But she is an equal opportunity employer if you know what I mean" she winked at me. "Devon Anderson is the school bad boy and womanizer. He counts how many freshman's he can bag in a year, the animal. Lilly Copland is my sister and track star. Alicia Playton is the schools resident genius. And Georgia Beige is our school mean bitch. I'm on the cheer squad with Mimi Playton and a few other girls. Dawn is Devon's twin and Georgias best friend. Here is art" she pointed each person out to me as we walked to the art room and then led me through the door and introduced me to our teacher.


Emily is nice. Refreshing, she treated me like any other person. And not like I was breakable with the wrong sentence. She prattled on about who as who and I learned Georgia is who was flirting with Easton. And that I didn't really like her.

I couldn't pinpoint the feeling I felt when Georgia flirted with Easton. Anger? I couldn't be jealous right? It's not even like we are an actual couple. I shook my head.

"Is it normal for Georgia to be so..." I tried to find the words as I sat down.

"Bold?" She offered and I nodded.

"Yeah usually. She's a spoiled brat who thinks she can have anything she wants. Her dad owns a horse farm and is big into horse racin'. He sponsored American Pharaoh."

"I don't know who that is" I said and she sighed.

"The Kentucky Derby is really big here. American Pharaoh won it and then moved on to the triple crown. That consists of 4 races. He won them all in 2015. He was the 12th winner but the first horse to win all 4 races. And so that made him the first horse to win the Grand Slam of Thoroughbred Racing. In long story short he won big bucks. And now he houses a few of his studs and even some retired racers lineage like Secretariat's. Think of the Kentucky Derby as your finals to make the Olympics and the Triple Crown like the Olympics and American Pharaoh came home with the gold metal in 4 different categories. He is a big deal here. So now her dad breeds and sells race horses and sponsors them"

I nodded. This was actually interesting. "When is the next Kentucky Derby?" I ask.

"May 7th" she answered without hesitation. I raised my eyebrow and she explained. "The Derby to people who don't live here is just another horse race. Here it's part of who we are. From the time I was young one of the best days in class was the day before the derby. Everyone got to design jerseys and bet on which horse they thought would win. It was a lot of fun. Everyone has a Derby party and you wear big hats and cute dresses. It is a lot of fun"

I never expected a whole culture here. It's insane to see that something that is small to us. Is big here. Engrained in who they are. I never got to see much of anything out in the world. But talking about this made me want to. I don't think I've been farther than the school since my mom left. Of course I traveled to Florida but it wasn't like I got to see much of it. Everything happened so fast. I made a decision then. I was going to travel the world once this was over. I want to see everything. And learn about as many cultures in the world.

Who would've thought learning about horse racing in a small town in Kentucky would make me want to learn about the world.


Emily asked me to go to a small cafe after school. I obviously said yes and we seemed to get along really well.

"Hey babe" Easton kissed my cheek sliding into the seat next to mine. She looked at Ethan and I with stars in her eyes. And mouthed to me 'Y'all are so cute'. I rolled my eyes hiding a smile.

"How was school?" I asked and he shrugged pecking me on the lips once before slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Who's this?" He asks gesturing to Em.

"Her name is Emily and she is on the cheer squad. She's in my art class" he nodded thinking for a moment.

"You know...I'd love to see you in a cheer uniform" he winked at me and I slapped his chest.

"Behave yourself" I said with a smile.

He leaned in his breath tickling my ear and said "never". My stomach fluttered with butterflies and my heart pounded in my ears.

Oh boy, I'm in trouble.

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