Chapter 15: Her Sacrifices

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"So you'd be staying in a small town. We've come up with covers for you guys. And Haven, you will need to change your hair. Also we are going to give you contacts as well as the guys don't really need it. You however, you do. You three are going to be flying to Kentucky. There you will attend a private college. Haven you're going to keep your first name. Your new last name will be Lancaster.

Easton you are keeping your first name. Your new last name will be Johnson we are making you and Westley step brothers. You will share a last name. Enclosed in this envelope is a new drivers license and passport as well as 'Transcripts' money and car keys registered in your name, Haven. Easton. We changed your license plate number and it is registered in your new name.

I feel this goes without saying but I am going to tell you anyway. No one you meet is to know your past. Haven if you play like you're dating one of the guys and the other is your best friend will make it more believable. So I chose Easton to play your boyfriend and Westley to play your best friend. Keeping this as constant as possible is the key to keeping your identity. Keep some truths in the lie. And try to be as vague as possible" As Smith explained this dread sunk into my stomach and the question on my mind was 'What if this doesn't work?'.

"Hey, this will work...we are trying to keep you's why we're doing this"

"When do we leave?" Westley asked.

"Right now" Smith said.


I walked into the house and looked around at the mixture of white and creme. Smith's words rung loud and clear in my mind. "You will be staying in the same house, you will be 'roommates' for the college side of things. Just living off campus. Westley you and Haven have been friends since you were kids. We have fake photos of you and Haven as kids as well as fake couple photos of Easton and Haven. Selling this is key. This house will be plastered with photos from your supposed past"

Just as he said, framed photos were hung on the wall. Doctored to the point they actually looked real. A photo of Easton and I smiling at each other. A photo of Westley and I young at the park smiling with missing teeth. They looked so real. Had I not known they were fake I would believe they were real.

"Here we go" Easton said as he set down the suitcases.

"These look so..." Westley drawled.

"Authentic?" I offered and they nodded. I let out a breath as my eyes watered.

"I'm so sorry" I looked at them my voice wavering. "You didn't ask for this and now I am literally putting your life in danger"

Westley sighed and looked at me. "Is this the ideal situation? no but it's the way it is. We can't be mad at you for something that isn't your fault or even under your control" he shrugs and I nod.

Kentucky was a beautiful state. The grass was green and the sky was clear. The house seemed to be older with 3 bedrooms and a beautiful luxury kitchen.


I sat in the hairstylists chair and she looked at the photo, "So you're wanting to go blonde?" the hair stylists asks.

"Yep" I say curtly. The stylist nods and fastens the cape.


I walk through the front door of my house now supporting a cool blonde. "I'm back" I say out loud.

"In the kitchen, Westley went to get some school clothes we start tomorrow-" Easton turns to face me shock covers his features.

"Ugh I know" I say trying to cover my awkwardness. I look at my shoes tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I like it" he says softly. I look up to see a soft smile on his face. I nod.

"It's just different, I kinda like my natural hair better but I don't really have a choice did the contacts get here?" I ask and he nods gesturing to the table.

"great" I say dully.

"Omlet?" He asks and I nod sitting on the black leather island chair.

"Are you scared?" I ask as he lays a plate with an omelet in front of me.

He sighs for a moment before leaning on the gray island cutting into his omelet.

"I am more nervous and worried than anything, everything is changing so fast and it feels like I can't catch up. I blink and there's something new, you know?" I nod listening to him talk.

"My mom and sister moved in with my step-dad back home in Oklahoma so they're safe. It's just-"

"A lot" I finished. I shifted a little in my seat and my back stung. "Fuck"

"What?" he asks.

"I need to change my bandages but Lara always helped me" nails scraped against the wooden floor and in came Obi-Wan.

"Hi buddy" Easton says scratching his ear. "I'll help you" he offers taking our plates.

I think about it for a moment. "I didn't know you could cook" I say changing the subject. He chuckled.

"Yeah but I burned my fair share of food before I got any good at it. My mom taught me. She said there's nothing better than a man who can cook"

"She would be right about that" I say nodding my head and wincing again.

"Come on" He says grabbing my plate and washing his hands.

I sigh "I don't know, I don't want...I just-" I look down at my hands at a loss for words. How do I say I don't want you to think I'm disgusting? That I'm ugly. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to fight back tears.

"Hey" he walks around the island an arms length away. "No judgement" he says. I nod and get up. It'll be okay, I think to myself.

I meet the bathroom colors of blue and white fill my vision. Easton crouches down and grabs the wrap and ointment. I turn to face away from him and towards the wall taking off my shirt.

Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out. I haven't been able to wear a bra due to the gashes on my back. The wrap seems to cover most of it. But it doesn't cover the scars that have healed.

"If you wanted to strip for me you coulda-" his words died and a tear slid slowly down my cheek.

"Haven-" he said as his words died.

"Just hur-hurry please" my voice cracked and wined as my breath shuddered from the tears. He started to slowly unwrap it and I took a deep breath as he peeled back the gauze. His in take of breath plus the cold air on my back caused my body to shake with sobs. He rubbed the ointment on the bruises on my back first and then moved to the open wounds. Addressing each one with antiseptic. I winced and he muttered an apology. Slowly he wrapped me back up and I quickly put on my shirt and rushed out of the bathroom.

"Haven" Easton called out to me.

"I'm back- hey Haven where are you-?" I rushed past Westley up the stairs slamming the door behind me without looking back.

I get into bed slowly tears cascading down my face. I knew it... I knew he'd think I was ugly and disgusting.

I cried until my heart hurt. It squeezed and tightened painfully in my chest. I never thought my tears would stop...not until I calmly drifted into a dreamless sleep. And for once I was thankful that I didn't have any nightmares.

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