Chapter 27: Her Happily Ever After

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"Okay now what?" I asked Emily.

"Now...we drink" she said taking a shot climbing on the stage. I laughed at her antics. It's been 2 blissful years Emily and Wes are engaged. It's crazy to think that they got engaged before Easton and I. Not for lack of trying I've been dropping hints all year. It's been almost 2 and 1/2 years since Easton and I became official and the boogie men who haunted me were defeated. I was now almost 24 and Easton and I stayed in the house while Wes moved in with Em last year. Currently we were at Emily's bachelorette party. Male strippers danced all over Emily as she shimmied and whooped in drunken stupor.

One came up to me and offered his hand but I shook my head "no thank you" I said with a sip of my drink. Lara rolled her eyes and laughed. "Not in the party mood?" She asked. Paul and Lara came down for the celebrations as the wedding was in 2 days.

"Easton has been acting off lately. Jittery? I don't know. I asked him to have sex last night and he got really weird and went to take a shower. Which is ironic that I'm telling you this but I can't put my finger on it. Him and Paul have been talking in secret and ever since he's been acting weird"

"Hey no appy talf at my bachelorbet patty" Emily drunkenly slurred. "SHOTS EVERYONEEEEE" she shouted and whipped when a stripper grinded on the stage and winked at her.

"Okay you're officially being cut off. It's time for us to go" I say grabbing her arm. Lara nods suppressing giggles.

Emily's Bachelorette crown was missing somewhere. But she still had the sash on. "No I wanna twerk on the stripper with the red undies" I eyes the guy in question as he sent a wink my way. I ignored him and looked at her.

"We are gonna have strippers at your house remember?" Lara gave me a confused look.

"She doesn't have to know they won't be there. Easton took Wes out of town for his party so their house is empty. Plus I need to get home to let Obi out he's been in his crate for over 6 hours. Poor guy probably needs to go potty." I whispered to Lara.

"YAY RIPPERS AT ME 'OUSE" she said twerking. Oh boy.

"Yeah I invited red guy too. He said he would meet us there" I lied. She nods with exaggeration.

"If I wasn't getting married and I was single. I'd totally fuck that guy"

"I bet you would." I say walking her to the car nodding at the bouncers.


"I'm never drinking again" Emily moaned as she emptied her the contents of her stomach into the toilet. "I'm serious Haven never let me drink again. If you do I'll kill you" she said tiredly.

"Okay" I whispered rubbing her back grabbing a hair tie and pulling her hair back from her face.

"God I hate drinking" I raised my brow at her.

"No you hate the after effect of drinking too much" she leaned up on her elbow from the toilet and looks at me for a moment.

"Same thing"

I try to suppress a smile as I hand her a glass of water and some ibuprofen. After sitting here for a while I walk her towards her room and set her on the bed. I place a bucket with a little water next to her bed and quietly exit the room.

"Hey I have her for the rest of tonight" I say and Lara shakes her head.

"Paul sent me a text. He's babysitting Wes and Easton headed back to yours so I'm sending you back as well. Go spend time with your beau and I've got this covered"

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes Easton is his last year of law school so. I know he works long hours at that firm so go spend time with him while you can. Plus, my mom loves Amore so she wont mind staying with her. That baby loves her Mimi. 1 and 1/2 years of sass that one" I nod thinking of how sassy her daughter is. I thought about our lives these past few years and smiled. I decided to go into teaching. I feel like I've had enough of pain and terror in my life. While Easton went into criminal law as a prosecuting attorney. He is in his last year of school and so am I. Sadly with his work schedule seeing each other has become more difficult over the last year. With his internship and all of that.


I knock on the door and open it. Candles everywhere. What is this? I think to myself. I look on the floor as rose petals make a path to our back patio. I make my way through the path seeing our pictures moved into a line. The further I go down the more recent the pictures get. I stop for a moment, looking at the carnival photo. My first carnival. How that feels like a life time from now. I slide open our glass door and see a elaborate dinner set up but no Easton.

"I remember what I was wearing the first day I saw you. How you sounded the first time we spoke. How it felt the first time we kissed. I remember what you were wearing on our first official date. I love the look of concentration you get when you watch movies for the first time. I love your cooking dance. I love your smile. I love your corny over used dad jokes. I love that you can make me laugh as well as give me an ear when I need to vent. I love that you constantly joke about hitting me with a frying pan. I love that you care so much about your friends. You love deeper than any human being I've ever met. And I can't imagine what my life would be like if you hadn't turned my world upside down. I fell in love with you the first time we kissed. I just didn't know it yet." His voice came over a speaker and as he continued to speak he came around the corner in a tux using a microphone.

"And I can't imagine going another day on this earth without you becoming my life time partner. You entrap me and amaze me everyday. I find new and more reasons to love you. Every day. You are the best thing to happen to me in my 24 years on this earth. Being with you was the best choice I ever made. And I want to keep making that choice, every day for the rest of our lives. I want to get married with you. Have kids with you. Grow old with you. I want everything with you. I want to be the old cranky couple that bickers but still loves them just as much after 40 years of marriage. I want to be with you forever. You are my soul mate Haven." He said kneeling. I was gasping for air with no words coming out "Will you make an honest man out of me and do me the amazing honor of becoming my wife?" I was crying as I looked at him kneeling. I hear paws on the floor and I turn around to see Obi-Wan tackle Easton. He lets out an oof as he hits the ground.

"Smooth Obi. Real smooth" he jokes and I giggle through my tears. "So Haven Scott...will you marry me?" He says taking out a light grey ring box. The ring is small and simple. And absolutely perfect. I nod not trusting my voice right now.

"Yes of course yes" I whisper as he stands up and kisses me. He slides the ring onto my finger and takes out a remote. Us by James Bay plays and we dance.

"I love you" he whispers to me softly.

"I love you" I whisper back.

I love him god do I love him. He will never know just how much he saved me.



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