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"I told you that I won't tolerate any fucking mistakes and here you are, always proving me wrong. I don't even know why I hired you in the first place?".

"You love fucking triggering me, don't you?".

I growled at Beckham, my assistant.

He got out faster than a bullet from my office. Well, he is not at fault my temper is fucking terrifying. I have anger issues.

We lost the deal which I had been trying to get for months now.

It's not like it would have given me a whole damn profit, it was just that fucking asshole Blaze Smith and the possessor of Smith Corporation fucking challenged me.

I made a deal with him in the past but he fucking deceived me. Everybody knows that I am particular about giving my trust to anyone and he knew it too but still, he dared to go behind my back and betray me.

And nobody betrays me and gets away with it.

He was my rival, well he still is but about 2 months back he came to me with a deal.

The deal was that he would give me a 50% share of his company if I collaborated with him on a project. As I wanted to break his fucking ego I decided to collaborate with him on a small project deciding not to give a single fuck about it which will surely affect him.

What he did was so fucking stupid, he came into my office despite a fucking tight security and asked Beckham to give him the presentation which I was going to give at the upcoming conference and told him that I told him to visit my office and told him to collect the file.

That fucking idiot didn't even think to call me once and gave him the file without even confirming with me.

Who the fuck gives their personal business information to any stranger especially when he is your business rival for a long time.

The height of stupidity is unmarkable.

I punched my table in irritation.

"Aaron your temper will not take you anywhere! It will only ruin the perfect things. Think from your brain, you will get that 50% shares, if not now then later. Just take deep breaths", I calmed myself.

I felt thirsty because of my outburst earlier. I chugged the water down my throat and it calmed my burning throat. After I calmed down completely I called Beckham again in my office.

"Yo...u ..ca....led...sir", he said stuttering.

"Yes, Mr Brown. I want you to know that I am giving you a second chance to prove yourself. I want the correct presentation to be ready by tomorrow as I am going to arrange another meeting for tomorrow morning personally".

"I would not tolerate any fucking mistakes tomorrow Brown. I would not warn you next time I will directly fire you. Are we clear?" I spoke in a calm but deadly voice.

"Yes si..r thank you I will not disappoint you", he said.

I nodded.

"Now get out brown before I change my mind", I announced dismissing him.

He got out of my office hurriedly.

My head started fucking pounding and why it wouldn't, I was working continuously the whole night. I didn't even go to my penthouse yesterday.

Let alone going back I didn't even have the time to eat any of my meals. I decided to go back and get some food in my system and a cold shower which will lead to a nice fucking much-needed sleep.

I grabbed my suit jacket.

I made my way out of the office and towards the basement. I thought of calling Beckham to inform him that I won't be coming office for a few days.

"Brown?" I declared.

"Yes sir", he responded.

"Brown I won't be coming office for a few days. I don't feel like working so I am giving you the responsibility to manage all the affairs in my place and if anything goes wrong you can call me! Are we clear? I asked him in a calm tone

"Yes sir.. sir but what about the meeting", he asked.

"I will attend the meeting tomorrow, make sure everything runs smoothly", I cut the call without listening to his reply.

Something I like about him is that he is hardworking and loyal. He is professional and he has been working with me for a long time.

Sure sometimes he behaves stupidly and is very idiotic but you can't neglect his actual performance in the company because of that and I know that fucker is trustable.

I inserted the car keys in the ignition and the engine roared. I buckled my seat belt and drove to my penthouse. I thought about the vacation I took.

Sure it's only 2 days, but for a workaholic like me, it will feel like 2 fucking very tormenting years.

I never took offs even though I work my ass off on weekends too. There is no holiday for me but I just feel so fucking tired and I wanted to rest.

It's better to take a day off because if my mind is off from work then my going to the office would not make any difference.

When I don't want to do a damn thing I will not fucking do it.

"Good evening sir you are here", Martha my caretaker and the head maid said.

"umm....yes Martha I am feeling a bit off. I had taken off for 2 days but I am thinking about working from home".

"Can you please make me dinner and send it to my bedroom by some other maid", I asked her politely.

"Sure sir you can take a shower in the meantime, I will prepare your dinner", she said smiling.

"Martha what would I do without you?", I said to her.

She patted my shoulder and got back to work.

She has been taking care of me since I was a child. She is like a second mother to me that's why I behave and talk to her politely. I am comfortable around her.

I headed towards my room, took a shower, and threw some sweatpants on. By the time I came back, dinner was ready, and was settled on my bed. I started digging into it.

I rinsed my mouth after eating and lay on the bed. I put my cell on airplane mode and dozed off.


heyo lovely readers!!❤️

did you guys like the second chapter??
Tell me what you want to see next in the story in the comments and I will consider your opinions!!💓
Well, stay tuned drama and romance will be coming ssooonnnn!!!😎


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